4.3 South Eveleigh - Draft
South Eveleigh is bounded by the Inner West railway line to the north and west: ATP to the east and south, and Railway Parade and residential development to the south.
The residential development accommodates public (Department of Housing) and private housing. This land is identified as a RWA strategic site under SEPP (Major Projects), with no changes to the planning controls proposed for this land.
Existing characteristics
The majority of South Eveleigh comprises operational railway land with large industrial footprints and a predominantly industrial character. It is envisaged that railway uses will remain the predominant use for South Eveleigh.
Land for potential redevelopment is generally restricted to the far eastern portion of the site, which is approximately 2.5 hectares in area.
The site comprises a number of large heritage buildings including the Train Presentation Centre, the Tangara Workshops and Steam Engine 3801 enclosure.
The site is isolated from its surrounds and largely inaccessible. There is minimal on site vegetation and no open space.
Existing land use zone
South Eveleigh is zoned ‘Railways’ under SREP 26. Within the ‘Railways Zone’ permissible development is primarily restricted to railway related activities.
Proposed land use concept
Predominantly business and light industrial uses that compliment and extend the commercial and technology uses at ATP. Restrict residential uses to serviced apartments, hotel accommodation, hostel, motel and other accommodation related or ancillary to business or educational purposes.
Diagram 4.5 [547 kb] illustrates the proposed land use concept for the site.
Proposed design concept
Respond to the industrial character of the site by:
• ensuring that the scale and form of development reflects the larger building footprints of the existing industrial buildings
• ensuring the design and architectural character of new development responds to the industrial buildings already on site with a contemporary interpretation.
Protect the heritage of the site by:
• ensuring new development responds sensitively to significant heritage items
• where practical, the adaptive re-use of significant heritage items associated with the railway uses
• encouraging the reinterpretation of heritage through the reuse of heritage materials and fabric in any redevelopment.
Respond to the character of the surrounding area and provide an appropriate interface to the adjacent residential development by:
• providing lower to medium rise building height along the street edges to respond to the heights of the adjoining residential development
• increasing building heights adjacent to the railway lands, the rail corridor and ATP with medium to high rise development.
Encourage permeability and reduce isolation on the site by providing vehicle and pedestrian access to the site that links with ATP.
Ensure the provision of quality open space:
• within and around new development parcels for private and communal use
• adjacent to active uses to enable surveillance and maximise the safety and security of spaces
• that has good solar access
• that is appropriately designed and landscaped with plantings, paving, lighting and benches and furniture.
Ensure that new development is designed and located to minimise acoustic impacts from the continued operation of rail-related activities on the site, the rail corridor and the proposed McDonaldtown Stabling facility.
The proposed heights and floor space ratio for the site are illustrated in Diagram 4.6 [556 KB].
Proposed land use zone
Business Zone – Business Park
Special Purpose Zone – Infrastructure