Chief Mechanical Engineers Building
The Chief Mechanical Engineers Building sits on Wilson Street as a part of the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops. Under Urbangrowth NSW the exterior underwent heritage restoration. In 2022 Transport for NSW announced that they had called for Registration of Interest for organisations interested in the occupation of the CME's building. This section of the website deals with the CME building which is on the state heritage register.
- Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Released
- Just as the CME development application exhibition is closing, Transport for NSW has released the key document that should have been available from the beginning - the CME building's Conservation Management Plan (CMP). Here we provide direct links to the four CMP documents released.
- Chief Mechanical Engineers Building (CME) SSDA Exhibition - extension until 28 February 2023 if by email
- --- ALERT : REDWATCH HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT DUE TO LATE RELEASE OF THE CMP DOCUMENTS THAT SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UP UNTIL 28 FEBUARY IF SENT BY EMAIL TO THE PLANNER. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS MAKING A LATE SUBMISSION EMAIL US AT MAIL@REDWATCH.ORG.AU --- The Transport Asset Management Entity (TAHE) and Transport for NSW (TfNSW), which are handling the redevelopment of Redfern North Eveleigh, have put forward a proposal for the adaptive reuse of Chief Mechanical Engineers building on Wilson Street. The proposal is on exhibition through the NSW Major Projects portal until 21 February 2023.
- REDWatch Comments on CME ROI
- The following comments were made by REDWatch to the news of the CME ROI.