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Indigenous owned and managed Murawina Child Care Centre was established in 1973 and for many years operated from a small terrace property on "the Block". Murawina moved to the former Redfern Public School in 2003 under a long-term lease arrangement with the NSW Department of Education and Training.

The affordable and culturally appropriate full day care centre and pre-school caters for up to 69 children, many of which are Indigenous. However, Murawina also accepts non-Indigenous children from the local community.

The ILC recognises the existing Murawina lease arrangement and is honouring the NSW Government's commitment to retain the Child Care Centre on site for a further 26 years.

Tonette Simpson, Murawina's CEO looks forward to the new opportunities of an integrated facility and believes that Murawina's early childhood programs complement the work of the other organisations involved in the Centre.


This Fact Sheet was part of the Media Kit at the Media Conference on 11 July 2006 to announce the ILC would proceed to purchase the former Redfern Public School site and establish a National Indigenous Development Centre.