RWA Built Environment Plan - Expanded Contents
Front Cover (left to right): Aerial view of Redfern and Sydney CBD, image by PTW; artist’s impression of proposed National Indigenous Development Centre, image by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer; artist’s impression of possible landscape treatment for ‘Marian Street’ Park, image by Oculus; artist’s impression of proposed Indigenous catering (Yaama Dhinawan) and construction training facility, and viewing platform and stairs leading to the new Contemporary Performing Arts Centre, North Eveleigh, image by
Inside Front Cover: Artist’s impression of the proposed television and media centre (43,500 sqm) at ATP to include the Seven Network and Pacific Magazines. Architect and image by PTW.
Inside Back Cover: Credits over line drawing of Yaama Dhinawan.
Back cover: Artist’s impression of the RWA’s proposed new building at ATP currently under construction to house National ICT Australia and the Defence, Science and Technology Organisation. Architect and image by Cox.
Cover (pdf ~678kb)
Contents 1
Table of contents (pdf ~81kb)
Redfern-Waterloo: On the road to renewal 2
1. Introduction 4
1.1 The Redfern-Waterloo Plan 4
1.2 Purpose of the Built Environment Plan (Stage One) 4
1.3 Area Covered by the Plan 4
- Diagram 1.1 RWA’s operational area and RWA’s strategic sites 5
1.4 Implementation of the Plan 6
1.5 Community Consultation 6
1.6 Structure of the Plan 6
- Illustration: Aerial view of Redfern, Darlington and Eveleigh with Sydney CBD (and inclusion of future development at the ATP). Image by PTW. 7
Section 1 Introduction (pdf ~821kb)
2. The Redfern-Waterloo Area 8
- Photo: Redfern Railway Station 8
2.1 Strategic Location 10
- Diagram 2.1 Strategic location of Redfern-Waterloo 11
- Diagram 2.2 Proximity to Sydney CBD and other facilities 11
2.2 Metropolitan Strategy Planning Objectives 12
2.3 History and Heritage 12
2.4 Community 13
- Photos: Community events, Heritage buildings - North Eveleigh Carriage Workshops, Cycle routes - Little Eveleigh Street
2.5 Built Environment and Land Use 14
- Photos: Schools and public housing - Former Redfern Public School (Proposed National Indigenous Development Centre) and Waterloo public housing, Open Space - Former Redfern Public School oval, Public Transport - Regent Street bus stop.
2.6 Transport and Access 15
Public Transport 15
Roads and Traffic 16
Pedestrian Networks 16
Cycling 16
2.7 Open Space and Public Domain 16
2.8 Topography and Views 17
Topography 17
Views 17
- Photos: Redfern community, Public open space - Gibbons Street, Connectivity - Regent Street view towards Sydney CBD 17
2.9 Infrastructure 18
Electricity 18
Gas 18
Telecommunications 18
- Photos: Public spaces - Gibbons Street, Heritage - Industrial/rail buildings in North Eveleigh, Employment – ATP 18
Water, wastewater and stormwater 19
Port radar 19
Section 2 The Redfern-Waterloo area (pdf ~1.6mb)
3. Strategies for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo 20
- Photo: Redfern Railway Station entrance 20
3.1 Land Use Strategy 22
Estimated Development Yield 22
- Table 3.1 Potential development yield 22
Zoning and flexibility of land uses 22
- Diagram 3.1 Land use strategy for RWA’s strategic sites 23
Facilitate economic and employment growth 24
Facilitate the creation of a town centre and improved linkages 24
- Diagram 3.2 Land use zones for RWA’s strategic sites 25
Facilitate housing provision, choice and affordability 26
3.2 Urban Design Strategy 26
- Diagram 3.3 Heights for RWA’s strategic sites 27
- Diagram 3.4 Floor space ratios for RWA’s strategic sites 28
Design concept 29
General urban design principles 29
3.3 Open Space and Public Domain Strategy 19
- Diagram 3.5 Indicative location of publicly accessible open space areas within RWA’s strategic sites 30
Possible treatment for certain public open space on RWA’s strategic sites 31
• The Civic Space (Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets) 31
• The Redfern Street Thoroughfare (Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets) 31
- Photos: Example of Civic Space landscape treatment, Example of Civic Space landscape treatment, Example of The Redfern Street Thoroughfare landscape treatment 31
- Example of possible landscape treatment of the Civic Space, Gibbons Street and ‘Marian Street’ Park and connectivity of these public open spaces, Example of ‘Marian Street’ Park landscape treatment – Benches, Example of ‘Marian Street’ Park landscape treatment - Wall feature 32
- Example of possible landscape treatment for Little Eveleigh Park at North Eveleigh and pedestrian and cycle connection between north and south Redfern. This could be achieved by the installation of a bridge or an access through Redfern Railway Station, Example of Little Eveleigh Park (North Eveleigh) landscape treatment – Planting, Example of Little Eveleigh Park (North Eveleigh) landscape treatment - Retaining walls 33
• Little Eveleigh Park (North Eveleigh) 34
• Fan of Tracks (North Eveleigh) 34
• Traverser 1 (North Eveleigh) 34
• The Public Garden (North Eveleigh) 34
- Photos: Example of Fan of Tracks landscape treatment - Play equipment, ple of Traverser 1 landscape treatment – Paving, Example of Public Garden landscape treatment – Planting 34
3.4 Infrastructure Strategy 21
Development contributions plan for public amenities and services 35
Electricity 35
Gas 35
Telecommunications 35
Water, wastewater and stormwater 35
3.5 Heritage Strategy 36
- Table 3.2 Items of heritage and buildings of historical interest 36
- Diagram 3.6 Items of heritage and buildings of historical interest 37
3.6 Transport Strategy 22
Public Transport 38
• Redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station 38
• Improved connections to bus services 38
• Improved community transport provision 38
Roads and Traffic Management 38
• Management of traffic generated from new development 38
- Photo: Existing - Traverser 1, North Eveleigh 38
- Photo: Artist’s impression of bridge connecting to ATP and possible landscape treatment for Traverser 1 (near the new Contemporary Performing Arts Centre, North Eveleigh). RWA has committed $6 million to design and construct a bridge connecting North Eveleigh and ATP. Design by ARUP and Oculus. Image by Oculus. 39
• Improved traffic operations on Regent and Gibbons Streets 40
Cycling and Pedestrian 40
• Encourage safe and easy cycling in the area 40
• Improved connection between ATP and North Eveleigh 40
- Photos: Improve traffic operations on Regent Street to improve the local pedestrian environment, Redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station required to improve access to platforms, Improve connections to bus services 40
3.7 Ecologically Sustainable Development Strategy 41
- Photo: Improve connectivity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists
Section 3 Strategies (pdf ~5.5mb)
4. Land Use and Design Concepts for RWA’s Strategic Sites 4.1 to 4.3 42
- Photo: North Eveleigh - Artist’s impression of new Contemporary Performing Arts Centre. Architect and image by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer 42
- Table 4.1 Existing and proposed land use zones, heights and floor space ratios for RWA’s strategic sites 45.
[Each section of the plan for the 8 Land Use Areas also covers details of Existing characteristics; Existing land use zone; Proposed land use concept; Proposed design concept; Proposed land use zoning].
4.1 Australian Technology Park (ATP) 46
- Photos: ATP - Artist’s impression of Sydney Broadcast Property development, ATP - Public domain and rail heritage, ATP - Locomotive Workshop, ATP - Public domain 46, 47
- Diagram 4.1 ATP land use 48
- Diagram 4.2 ATP height and floor space ratio 49
4.2 North Eveleigh 50
- Photos: North Eveleigh - Blacksmiths’ Shop to be adapted for new use, North Eveleigh - Chief Mechanical Engineers Office building to be adapted for new use, Currently poor interface between North Eveleigh site and Wilson Street 50, 51
- Photos: Existing - Former Canteen and Construction building off Wilson Street, Artist’s impression of proposed Indigenous catering (Yaama Dhinawan) and construction training facility, and viewing platform and stairs leading to North Eveleigh site (off Wilson Street). RWA has invested funds to renovate and establish the catering and construction training facility. Image by p52, 53
- Diagram 4.3 North Eveleigh land use 54
- Diagram 4.4 North Eveleigh height and floor space ratio 55
4.3 South Eveleigh 56
- Photos: South Eveleigh - rail operational uses, South Eveleigh - Xplorer Endeavour Service Centre and Large Erecting Shed in the background 56, 57
- Diagram 4.5 South Eveleigh land use 58
- Diagram 4.6 South Eveleigh height and floor space ratio 59
Section 4.1 – 4.3 Land Use and Design concepts (pdf ~2.1mb)
4. Land Use and Design Concepts for RWA’s Strategic Sites 4.4 to 4.5 60
4.4 Eveleigh Street 60
- Photos: Eveleigh Street - Aerial view, Eveleigh Street 60, 61
- Diagram 4.7 Eveleigh Street land use 62
- Diagram 4.8 Eveleigh Street height and floor space ratio 63
4.5 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets 64
- Photos: Redfern Railway Station – platform, Redfern Street – Café, Regent Street – Shops 64, 65
- Photos: Redfern Street - View towards Surry Hills 66
- Photos: Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets - Artist’s impression of possible landscape treatment for ‘Marian Street’ Park. RWA is rezoning this land as open space in response to community wishes. Design and image by Oculus, Redfern Street - Existing community services/facilities, Gibbons Street - Existing ‘Marian Street’ Park 67
- Diagram 4.9 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets land use 68
- Diagram 4.10 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets height and floor space ratio 69
Section 4.4 – 4.5 Land Use and Design concepts continued
(pdf ~1.4mb)
4. Land Use and Design Concepts for RWA’s Strategic Sites 4.6 to 4.8 70
4.6 Former Rachel Forster Hospital 70
- Photos: Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Existing surgery building, Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Existing entrance, Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Existing façade 70, 71
- Diagram 4.11 Former Rachel Forster Hospital land use 72
- Diagram 4.12 Former Rachel Forster Hospital height and floor space ratio 73
4.7 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station 74
- Photos: Artist’s impression of NSW Health’s proposed re-use of Former Local Court House to community health facility. Image by, Former Local Court House - Existing entrance, Former Local Court House - Existing façade 75
- Diagram 4.13 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station land use 76
- Diagram 4.14 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station height and floor space ratio 77
4.8 Former Redfern Public School 78
- Photos: Artist’s impression of proposed National Indigenous Development Centre by the Indigenous Land Corporation on the Former Redfern Public School site. View from above Cope Street. Architect and image by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer, Former Redfern Public School - Existing building along George Street, Former Redfern Public School - Existing oval, Former Redfern Public School - Existing building on corner of Phillip and George Streets 79
- Diagram 4.15 Former Redfern Public School land use 80
- Diagram 4.16 Former Redfern Public School height and floor space ratio 81
Section 4.6 – 4.8 Land Use and Design concepts continued
(pdf ~1.4kb)
5. Future Key Tasks, 6 Proposed Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan & Appendices
5. Future Key Tasks 83
- Photo: Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets - Artist’s impression of possible landscape treatment for ‘Marian Street’ Park. Design and image by Oculus 84
Finalise draft Development Control Plan 84
Finalise draft Development Control Plan for the ATP 84
Finalise draft Development Contributions Plan for Public Amenities and Services 84
Finalise draft Affordable Housing Contributions Plan and Affordable Housing Program 84
Finalise draft Public Domain Improvement Plan 84
Establish Project Coordination Group with RailCorp for Redfern Station Upgrade Concept Design Study 84
Establish Stakeholder Partnership on Traffi c Issues and Transport Management Plan 84
6. Proposed Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan 85
• revitalise public housing stock
• improve the associated public domain
• reduce concentration of public housing
• increase the local population to establish a more sustainable social mix
• facilitate the provision of affordable housing, including a shared equity model of home ownership.
- Photos: Waterloo - Public housing, Waterloo - Public housing 85
Appendices 86
Appendix 1 Community Profile 86
Housing Tenure
Housing Type
Credits 49
Section 5 & 6 future Tasks (pdf ~300kb)
Other Links to the Built Environment Plan
The links above relate to the smaller PDF files created by the RWA to allow for easier download of the document bit by bit. Below we have provided the links to all the RWA Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) August 2006 files.
Full PDF Version of Built Environment Plan (pdf~13Mb) Please note that this is a very large file.
Part PDF Version of Built Environment Plan - the Plan broken up into its various components:
Cover (pdf ~678kb)
Table of contents (pdf ~81kb)
Section 1 Introduction (pdf ~821kb)
Section 2 The Redfern-Waterloo area (pdf ~1.6mb)
Section 3 Strategies (pdf ~5.5mb)
Section 4.1 – 4.3 Land Use and Design concepts (pdf ~2.1mb)
Section 4.4 – 4.5 Land Use and Design concepts continued
(pdf ~1.4mb)
Section 4.6 – 4.8 Land Use and Design concepts continued
(pdf ~1.4kb)
Section 5 & 6 future Tasks (pdf ~300kb)
Text PDF Version of Built Environment Plan Click here for plain text file (pdf ~741kb)
Download Diagrams separately (note not all photo & artists impressions are available separately)
- 1.1 RWA Operational Area and RWA Strategic Sites (pdf ~519kb)
- 2.1 Strategic location of Redfern-Waterloo (pdf ~367kb)
- 2.2 Proximity to Sydney CBD and Other Facilities (pdf ~707kb)
- 3.1 Land use Strategy for RWA’s strategic sites (pdf ~901kb)
- 3.2 Land use zones for RWA’s strategic sites (pdf ~2.2mb)
- 3.3 Heights for RWA’s strategic sites (pdf ~1.2mb)
- 3.4 Floor space ratios for RWA’s strategic sites (pdf ~997kb)
- 3.5 Indicative location of publicly accessible openspace areas within RWA’s strategic sites (pdf ~628kb)
- 3.6 Items of heritage and buildings of historical interest (pdf ~640kb)
- 4.1 ATP land use (pdf ~581kb)
- 4.2 ATP height and floor space ratio (pdf ~639kb)
- 4.3 North Eveleigh land use (pdf ~430kb)
- 4.4 North Eveleigh height and floor space ratio (pdf ~525kb)
- 4.5 South Eveleigh land use (pdf ~691kb)
- 4.6 South Eveleigh height and floor space ratio (pdf ~618kb)
- 4.7 Eveleigh Street land use (pdf ~580kb)
- 4.8 Eveleigh Street height and floor space ratio (pdf ~611kb)
- 4.9 Redfern Railway station, Gibbons and Regent Streets land use (pdf ~538kb)
- 4.10 Redfern Railway station, Gibbons and Regent Streets height and floor space ratio (pdf ~599kb)
- 4.11 Former Rachel Forster Hospital land use (pdf ~413kb)
- 4.12 Former Rachel Forster Hospital height and floor space ratio (pdf ~440kb)
- 4.13 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station land use (pdf ~421kb)
- 4.14 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station height and floor space ratio (pdf ~447kb)
- 4.15 Former Redfern Public School land use (pdf ~447kb)
- 4.16 Former Redfern Public School height and floor space ratio(pdf ~515kb)
The RWA also produced a report on changes made between the
Draft and the Final Version of the Built Environment Plan Report On Amendments And Submissions. (pdf ~52kb)