1. Introduction
1.1 The Redfern-Waterloo Plan
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority’s (RWA) operational area includes the suburbs of Darlington, Redfern, Waterloo and Eveleigh (Diagram 1.1 RWA’s Operational Area and RWA’s Strategic Sites). Under the Redfern-Waterloo Act 2004, the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo is required to prepare a Redfern-Waterloo Plan to provide an overall framework for the revitalisation of the operational area through urban renewal, job creation, improvements to the physical environment and improvements to the provision of human services.
The Redfern-Waterloo Plan is an evolving document that will be updated over time and in stages. The Redfern-Waterloo Plan will comprise three major components - the Built Environment Plan, Human Services Plan and Employment and Enterprise Plan.
This Built Environment Plan (Stage One) relates to the planning and design of RWA’s strategic sites in Redfern-Waterloo (Diagram 1.1 RWA’s Operational Area and RWA’s Strategic Sites).
Under the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act, the Minister for Planning may prepare an environmental planning instrument to give effect to the planning aspects contained within the Redfern-Waterloo Plan. Over the next decade it is likely that the Built Environment Plan will be extended to incorporate other sites in the RWA’s operational area.
The Human Services Plan establishes a framework for improving access to health, education, employment and other essential services in Redfern-Waterloo. It identifies actions to improve the delivery of services to ensure positive results for individuals and the community as a whole.
The Employment and Enterprise Plan aims to address the area’s social and economic disadvantage by fostering jobs, business and educational/training opportunities. Strategies have been developed to support the development of employment and enterprise opportunities for local residents, as well as the broader Sydney metropolitan community.
1.2 Purpose of the Built Environment Plan (Stage One)
This Built Environment Plan (Stage One) (referred to as the Plan) has been prepared to provide a planning framework for the redevelopment of the RWA’s strategic sites.
The Plan has considered comments and ideas provided by residents, land owners, business operators, peak organisations and government agencies during the two month exhibition period of the draft Plan in early 2006.
The State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005 (as amended) provides the statutory basis to guide future development on the RWA’s strategic sites The Plan has been prepared taking into consideration the area’s regional, metropolitan and local context and issues.
It also draws on earlier work and community consultation undertaken by the former Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project and the former Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, as part of the Redfern, Eveleigh, Darlington and Waterloo (RED) Strategy in 2003.
The land use and design strategies in the Plan have been developed through an urban design analysis of the existing context and site specific conditions of each strategic site. This process has generated potential development yields, and indicative employment and residential projections.
1.3 Area Covered by the Plan
The Plan applies to the eight RWA’s strategic sites within the RWA’s operational area as shown in Diagram 1.1. The RWA’s strategic sites are identified in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005. They are mostly State Government owned and are strategically located near Redfern Railway Station and the Redfern Town Centre. They have a total area of around 35 hectares.
The eight RWA’s strategic sites covered in this Plan are:
- Australian Technology Park (ATP)
- North Eveleigh
- South Eveleigh
- Eveleigh Street
- Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets
- Former Rachel Forster Hospital
- Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station
- Former Redfern Public School.
Human Services improve quality & delivery of human
services Employment & Enterprise create jobs & training opportunities Built
Environment improve the physical environment and provide more opportunities for
housing & businesses, supported by improved transport, access &
infrastructure Sustainable Redfern- Waterloo community.
1.4 Implementation of the Plan
The intent and direction of this Plan is reflected in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005 (SEPP (Major Projects)). The SEPP replaces existing statutory plans and policies that currently apply to the RWA’s strategic sites.
A Development Control Plan (DCP) for the RWA’s strategic sites will be prepared to complement the SEPP and provide more detailed site specific guidelines for future development. The DCP will include general planning guidelines and controls that will apply to all sites. Site specific requirements will be prepared where necessary as parts of a DCP or Concept Plan.
Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act the Minister for Planning is the consent authority for the carrying out of development on RWA’s strategic sites. A proposal for the carrying out of development will be assessed under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act if it has a capital investment value of more than $5 million. A proposal for development under $5 million may be assessed under Part 4 of the Act. The Minister for Planning has the discretion to decide whether a development should be determined under Part 4.
The Minister may require a Concept Plan to be prepared for a development site in accordance with Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
1.5 Community Consultation
The draft Plan and amendment to SEPP (Major Projects) were publicly exhibited for two months between February and April 2006. During this period the RWA undertook extensive community consultation including: the distribution of 15,000 newsletters and around 2,000 copies of the draft Plan: briefings to key stakeholders; presentations; a public meeting; feedback and information sessions over a three week period; focus group sessions; and replying to individual enquiries.
The consultation process raised many issues, which were considered and assisted in finalising this Plan.
1.6 Structure of the Plan
The Plan is divided into the following sections.
Section 2
The Redfern-Waterloo Area
This section provides a snapshot of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the Redfern-Waterloo area and issues facing the area now and in coming years.
Section 3
Strategies for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo
This section outlines the key strategies needed to achieve the vision for Redfern-Waterloo including land use, urban design, open space and public domain, infrastructure, heritage, transport and ecologically sustainable development.
Section 4
Land Use and Design Concepts for RWA’s Strategic Sites
This section details the proposed land uses and design concepts for each of the RWA’s strategic sites.
Section 5
Future Key Tasks
This section summarises the key tasks to be undertaken to progress the planning for the RWA’s strategic sites.
Section 6
Proposed Stage Two of Built Environment Plan
The section gives an outline of the major issues currently anticipated to form the basis of the future Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan.