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Summary of Issues Raised in the Submissions

An assessment of the issues raised in the submissions on the Draft Built Environment Plan and responses is provided below. The issues have been listed in descending order according to the number of times they were raised in the submissions. [This report was released by the RWA at the time of the release of the Final BEP]

1. Marian Street Park

171 submissions objected to the planning controls and any future development on the area bounded by Gibbons St and Rosehill St, referred to as Marian St Park. Grounds for objection included reduction in public open space; increased traffic; increased noise and air pollution; loss of trees; overshadowing adjacent buildings and the like.

2. Open space

114 submissions identified issues with the amount of open space detailed in the draft BEP. Some submissions raised the general issue of open space, while others identified the need for open space in specific areas including North Eveleigh and on the former Redfern Public School site. A number of submissions requested a Public Domain/Open Space Strategy be prepared.

3. Traffic and Transport

108 submissions identified issues with traffic and transport. This included issues about the impacts of the increased density proposed in the Plan on the existing road networks and public transport systems. Some of the submissions were more general, while others raised transport and traffic issues in specific areas, including the impacts on the residential streets within Darlington as a result of the future development of North Eveleigh. A number of submissions requested a Transport/Traffic Strategy be prepared.

4. Heritage

73 submissions highlighted issues with the way the draft Plan addressed heritage. Some of the submissions made general comments regarding heritage, while others raised issues with heritage on specific sites including North Eveleigh, South Eveleigh, former Courthouse and Police Station, former Redfern Public School and former Rachel Forster Hospital.

5. The Block

60 submissions objected to the proposed planning controls for the Block, in particular the 0.5:1 floor space ratio cap on residential development. Of the 60 submissions, 40 expressed support for the Aboriginal Housing Company’s Pemulwuy Project, the other 20 submissions did not refer to the project. Of the 40 submissions that indicated support for the Pemulwuy Project, 21 were from residents but only 13 of these submissions were from residents living within the RWA operational area. A number of submissions were multiple ones, for example 3 separate submissions were made by or on behalf of the Aboriginal Housing Company.

6. Development North of the Watertower Building

49 submissions detailed the amenity impacts and obstruction of the Watertower building from the 7-18 storey height limits proposed on the railway land north of the Watertower building and controls proposed on Marian St Park.

7. Height 18 storey high-rise towers

49 submissions expressed concerns about the 18 storey height limits around the station and town centre (does not include submissions that expressed concern with the height limits on Marian St Park). The submissions raised aesthetics, wind, overshadowing, traffic/parking impacts and other issues.

8. The Tunnel

33 submissions highlighted issues with a potential vehicle tunnel between Australian Technology Park and North Eveleigh, including details of the tunnel and traffic impacts on the residential streets of Darlington.

9. Affordable housing and Public Housing

23 submissions indicated that the Plan did not adequately address affordable housing, a number of these submissions requested an Affordable Housing Strategy and Contributions Plan be prepared. Concern about the need for a commitment that public housing be maintained was also highlighted.

10. Height limits at North Eveleigh

23 submissions highlighted issues with the proposed heights at North Eveleigh in relation to the character of the area, heritage buildings, and topography and site lines.

11. Social Equity:

23 submissions suggested the BEP was focussed on commercial/private sector development and did not address the needs of the community and residents or the principles of social equity, community cohesion, sense of community ownership etc.

12. Defer draft Plan

20 submissions requested the draft BEP be deferred until strategies (transport, public domain, affordable housing, etc) are completed.

13. Pedestrian/Cycle Links

20 submissions indicated support for pedestrian linkages between North Eveleigh and South Eveleigh.

14. Infrastructure

19 submissions raised issues regarding the capacity of existing infrastructure to support increased density, some of these submissions requested an Infrastructure Plan be incorporated into BEP.

15. Employment, Enterprise & Education

15 submissions suggested that the provision of an additional 18, 000 jobs will not reduce existing unemployment or provide job opportunities for locals.

16. Former Rachel Forster Hospital

15 submissions opposed any future redevelopment of the former hospital for residential purposes and requested it be retained for community related uses.

17. Human Services

14 submissions indicated that the BEP did not address education, health or other community facilities or include an analysis of the demand for human services that would be generated from the future development. Some of these submissions indicated the BEP should cross reference the actions of the Human Services Plan.

18. Consultation Plan

14 submissions raised issues with the community consultation process for the BEP. Some of the submissions requested the preparation of a Consultation Plan and a second stage of community consultation prior to finalising the BEP.

19. Sale of Public Land:

13 submissions indicated opposition to the sale of public land. A number of these requested the RWA commit to retaining the public land for community facilities that may be required.

20. Use of the Former Redfern Public School

11 submissions indicated that the former school should be retained for education and/or community uses.

21. Sustainability

10 submissions indicated a need for sustainability principles to be incorporated in the BEP. Some of the submissions requested all future development conform with best practice energy efficient design.

[This part of the report Report On Amendments And Submissions. (pdf ~52kb)]