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Lift Redfern Station Campaign

A broad based campaign was started in January 2012 to get lifts installed at Redfern Station. It is supported by a wide range of organisations including business, the arts, the Aboriginal community, community services, resident groups and local political party branches. A key part of the “Lift Redfern” campaign is to get the appalling access at Redfern Station debated in the NSW Parliament with a 10,000 signature petition and to call on the “Minister of Transport to take immediate action to install lifts to Redfern Station platforms”. Here you can find out more about the Lift Redfern Station Campaign.
Join Lift Redfern Supporters Email List
This link takes you to a self registering page for Lift Redfern Supporters. Lift Redfern will use this email list to let those involved in the Lift Redfern Station Campaign about activities. Lift Redfern is determined to come up with over 10,000 signatures for a debate in NSW Parliament and undertake other activities that pressure the Government for immediate lift access on all platforms and not the promise that something will be done when they finally get to upgrade Redfern Station at some unspecified time in the future!
Lift Redfern Facebook page
This link will take you to the 'Lift Redferrn" Facebook page where you can find out more about Lift Redfern. If you are on Facebook remember to log on and Like Lift Redfern so you will see information about this campaign. One way of telling your friends about this campaign is to Share the site with your friends. Lots of people go through Redfern Station and might be interested in this campaign. Part of the campaign involves a petition which if we get 10,000+ signatures we can use to get a debate in Parliament. So when the petition is available download it and get people to add their support.
Who is behind Lift Redfern
Lift Redfern has been formed by a wide range of community groups who are fed up with no lifts at Redfern Station. The formation meeting bought together organizations including business, the arts, the Aboriginal community, community services, resident groups and local political party branches. Below we have provided some information about some of the groups behind Lift Redfern.
“Lift Redfern” Station Campaign
A campaign to get lifts installed at Redfern Station is being supported by a wide range of organisations including business, the arts, the Aboriginal community, community services, resident groups and local political party branches reports Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of February 2012.
Lift Redfern Petition - Portrait
This is the portrait version of the Lift Redfern Petition to Make Redfern Station Accessible Now. Down load this petition and print it off and get everyone to sign it and be part of the 10,000+ signatures that generates a debate in the NSW Parliament asking the Minister for Transport to take immediate action to install lifts at Redfern Station. Petitions can not be electronically signed so file is print only. There is also a landscape version of this petition. File is 302KB PDF.
LIft Redfern Petition - Landscape
This is the landscape version of the Lift Redfern Petition to Make Redfern Station Accessible Now. Down load this petition and print it off and get everyone to sign it and be part of the 10,000+ signatures that generates a debate in the NSW Parliament asking the Minister for Transport to take immediate action to install lifts at Redfern Station. Petitions can not be electronically signed so file is print only. There is also a portrait version of this petition. File is 226 KB PDF.
Lift Redfern Station Web Site
This is the link to the Lift Redfern Station website at
Redfern Station Easy Access Estimates response - Nov 2011
The Hon Cate Faehrmann MLC placed a question on Notice about accessibility at Redfern Station to the Transport Minister in Estimates General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3 in October 2011. The Minister did not answer the question regarding Redfern Station in the transcript below:
Getting off at Redfern: wheelchair access denied
Over 40,000 passengers per day walk through the turnstiles at Redfern station, but 10 years after Disability Standards for Accessible Pubic Transport were introduced, there is still no access for disabled people at one of Sydney’s busiest train stations reports Jason Marshall in City Hub on 5 January 2012.
Clover Moore MP Questions on Redfern Station to Minister for Transport
Clover Moore MP placed the following questions on Notice in the Legislative Assembly on 15 February 2012. On 21 March 2012 the Minister for transport responded to them all with the one liner: "The Government is in the process of determining where future upgrades to stations will take place and Redfern Station will be considered as part of this review". The question also refers to earlier answers to questions raised by Clover Moore MP. We have provided the links to theses questions and the answers which give some indication of past promises and time frames that have not been met.
Campaign launch for lifts at Redfern
REDFERN: Twenty years of government inaction over lack of access at Redfern station has mobilised the local community, resident groups, Aboriginal communities, businesses and political party branches to join forces in the Lift Redfern Station campaign. The campaign is calling upon the Minister of Transport to take immediate action to install lifts to Redfern station platforms writes Joel Pringle in the South Sydney Herald of March 2012.
Equitable Access to Redfern Station - Mayoral Minute 12 March 2012
Below is the text of the Mayoral Minute of 12 March 2012 from City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore concerning Equitable Access to Redfern Station. At the foot of the minute is the text of the Motion moved by the Lord Mayor.
Lift Redfern Media Launch - assemble from 7.20pm Mar 20, 2012 from 10:45 AM to 11:30 AM Marian Park, Rosehill Street and then to Platform 10 from ATP end,
Come along and show your support of Lift Redfern at the media launch for "Platforms & Carriages Week". Special Guests include Clover Moore MP Lord Mayor of Sydney and Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes will speak at 8am with brief statements also from from the local community including Professor Stephen Garton the Acting Vice Chancellor of Sydney University, Joel Pringle, Councillor Irene Doutney and Robyn Fortescue. The Launch ends with people moving to Platform 10 for a photo shoot and then off to work talking to comuters and gathering signatures - make sure you get you train ticket early if you are moving onto the platforms.
Lift Redfern Media Launch Statement - 18 March 2012
Media Conference to Launch Lift Redfern will happen at Redfern Station - Rosehill St entrance at 8am, Monday 19 March. Speakers: Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes, City of Sydney Lord Mayor and Member for Sydney Clover Moore, Professor Stephen Garton, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Greens Councillor Irene Doutney and members from the local community. The text of the media statement of 18 March 2012 is below:
High hope for lift at Redfern
COMMUTERS, university offic­ials, community groups and lo­cal politicians today demanded the State Government Install a lift at Redfern train station reported Matt Sun in mX on 19 March 2012.
Redfern upgrade call
Redfern railway station needs an urgent upgrade to cater for the people with disabilities, a coalition of disability and community groups says writes Jacob Saulwick in the Sydney Morning Herald of 19 March 2012.
Kristina Keneally Supports Lift Redfern
Recently I met with representatives of the "Lift Redfern Campaign" regarding Redfern Railway Station needing urgent disability access writes Kristina Keneally in her Advertisement in the April 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.
Campaign ratchets up pressure for lifts at Redfern
REDFERN: Campaign organisers and local residents gathered outside Redfern station on Monday March 19 to mark the official launch of the Lift Redfern campaign, as frustration over government inaction grows. The campaign is lobbying for lifts to be installed at Redfern station, as current access options are unsafe and unusable for many public transport users with mobility issues reports Charles Turnbull in the April 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.
Council escalates Lift Redfern campaign
The City of Sydney has stepped up pressure on government ministers to address the issue of poor facilities at Redfern Station reports Punam Vyas in City News on 12 April 2012.
Lift Redfern Campaign: Station Access Now!
FOR as long as he can remember, wheelchair user and street vendor for The Big Issue, Eddie, has backtracked the long way to his office in Redfern because the station doesn’t have lifts reports James Gorman in Central Magazine on 24 April 2012.
11 000 demand immediate action to make Redfern Station accessible
A coalition of residents, workers, business, disability and community groups demands immediate action to ensure access at one of Sydneyʼs busiest railway stations as disabled and less mobile community members continue to be shut off from the transport network says this media release from Lift Redfern on 30 April 2012.
10,000+ Lift Redfern
The Lift Redfern Station Campaign exceeded its 10,000 signature target. The petitions will be handed over to Heffron MP Kristina Keneally on 2 May for tabling and debate in parliament reports Geoff Turnbull in the May 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.
Kristina Kemeally accepts 10,000 petitions
Member for Heffron, The Hon Kristina Keneally MP, will today accept a petition of over 10,000 signatures from the community campaign group "Lift Redfern: Make Redfern Station Accessible Now" reports this media release from the Member from Heffron, Kristina Keneally.
Lift Redfern campaign reaches parliament
Locals hand petitions to MP Kristina Keneally outside state parliament. MORE than 11,000 people have signed a petition demanding a lift at Redfern station reports Central on 8 May 2012.
Long List for Lift Access
LORD Mayor Clover Moore has received another 500 signatures petitioning for lift access at Redfern station reports Central on May 16 2012.
Vulnerable left struggling - Chanel 10 News
Redfern Station is a nightmare for the disabled and the elderly, and the O'Farrell government doesn't seem to care report Chanel 10 news in the item on Redfern Station and Lift Redfern.
Campaign on Track
THE Lift Redfern Campaign will finally get its moment in parliament tomorrow reports James Gorman in Central on 22 August 2012.
Lift Redfern Petition Debate Transcript
On 23 August 2012 at 4.30pm the NSW Legislative Assembly debated the Lift Redfern petition. Below is the draft transcript of the debate which included Ms Clover Moore (Sydney), Ms Gladys Berejiklian (Willoughby - Minister for Transport), Ms Carmel Tebbutt (Marrickville), Mr Charles Casuscelli (Strathfield) and Mr Jamie Parker (Balmain).
Lift Redfern – Where to Next - Some Ideas
Lift Redfern will meet on Wednesday 30th January 2013 at the factory Community Centre to explore options for the Lift Redfern Station Campaign for 2013. This is a supporters meeting and everyone ewith their ideas are welcome. Below is an overview of some possibilities prepared by REDWatch for the meeting to get people thinking about where the campaign might go.
Sign up to give a lift to redfern
PHASE two of the long-running Lift Redfern campaign — which aims to get elevator access at the busy innercity railway station — is under way with the launch of an online petition reports Central Magazine in its 6 March 2013 issue.
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian today (15 August 2013) announced the NSW Government will make trains at Redfern Station accessible to customers in wheelchairs and parents with prams for the first time reports this media statement from the Minister.
Redfern Station to get lift, says Berejiklian
Redfern Station will finally be upgraded with a wheelchair-accessible platform reports Jacob Saulwick the Sydney Morning Heralds Transport Reporter on 15 August 2013.
Redfern ready to roll as minister promises a lift
For the past five years Edward Hartigan, 29, has been travelling from Campbelltown to Redfern on weekday mornings to pick up copies of The Big Issue to sell in the city. But Mr Hartigan is in a wheelchair, and Redfern station has no disabled access on any of its 12 platforms reports Jacob Saulwick the Sydney Morning Heralds Transport Reporter in the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 August 2013.
Responses to Lift for Redfern Station Announcement
Below we have collected statements made by various political party representatives (Liberal, Labor and Greens) about the announcement of a lift for Redfern Station. They are provided together for contrast. Lift Redfern which organised two petition and a range of other activites from schools to lobbying drove the community campaign. Lift Redfern was supported accross the political spectrum but it was really a community campaign with many people playing a part. When the anouncement was made here is what the political parties said.
Council Resolution on Redfern Station Accessibility Upgrade
At the City of Sydney Council Meeting on 26 August 2013 Council passed a resolution in response to the Anoucnement for a lift to be put on Redfern Station. The Motion was originally submitted by Councillor Christine Forster who accepted an amendment by Councillor Mant and was carried unanimously. Below is the text of the final resolution.
Lord Mayor Letter of Congratulation to Lift Redfern
This is the letter requested in the Council Meeting resolution on 26th August 2013 concerning Lift Redfern. In the leter the Lord Mayor says "I write to congratulate Lift Redfern on last week’s announcement that the NSW Government will provide some lift access at Redfern Station. This is an important first step in making Redfern Station accessible to everyone and is a direct result of Lift Redfern’s ongoing campaign". The full letter is attached as 192 Kb PDF.
Lift to be built for Redfern Station
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian today announced a lift would be built to Redfern Station platforms 6 and 7, making the station accessible to customers in wheelchairs and parents with prams for the first time reports this media release of by Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian on 31st January 2014.