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Access Upgrade to Redfern Station - Southern Concourse Early Consultation

Redfern Station was approved for an accessibility upgrade in February 2019 as part of the Transport Access Program. In May Transport for NSW (TfNSW) commenced a consultation around their preferred option which did not include Platforms 11 &12. In July following community push-back around lack of connectivity and discharge of travelers into Little Eveleigh and Marian Street, they consulted on some other options. The project aims to provide a station precinct that is accessible to those with a disability, limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage.
Redfern Station Accessability Upgrade
On 27 February, the story of the upgrade was carried in the Sydney Morning Herald and the following information appeared on the Transport for NSW website. The anouncement came just before the NSW Government went into Caretaker mode so it is not expected more details will be officially available until after the March 23 NSW Election. The SMH reported that "After years of refusals by successive governments to upgrade the heritage-listed station, six lifts and six sets of stairs will be installed as part of a $100 million project, ensuring better access for commuters to platforms one to 10. The lifts will link to a footbridge to be built at the southern end of the station. It will improve access to the Australian Technology Park, Carriageworks and the University of Sydney. The footbridge will connect Gibbons Street, on the eastern side of the rail tracks, with Little Eveleigh and Wilson streets to the west. While preliminary surveys and geotechnical work are under way, major construction at Redfern is not expected to begin until late this year and will take about a year to complete". The link to the SMH story is at the foot of this post.
Reconnect Redfern Campaign Facebook
Following concerns being raised during the May 2019 southern concourse consultation about Transport for NSW's preferred option, a campaign was launched under the name "Reconnect Redfern: quality public access for locals and station users" to push for a better solution to the option presented by TfNSW. This is the link to the Facebook page for this campaign.
Image Redfern Station Proposed Southern Concourse 2019
Redfern Station Proposed Souther Concourse 2019
Image Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse connecting through Little Eveleigh and Marian Streets - TfNSW 2019
The consultation for Redfern station in May 2019 only showed Transport for NSW's preferred option (option 3). The documentation referred however, to two other options that were considered but these details were not released to the broad community but the details were shown to some institutions. This slide is Option 3 and it was the only option released for the public consultation. It proposes lifts to all above ground platforms at the southern end. It connects to Little Eveleigh Street. This option is preferred by Transport for NSW but has drawn strong criticism because of its impact on Little Eveleigh where residents are arguing that a modified Option 2 would be a better option. In the FAQ document for the exhibition TfNSW says: A 'long' concourse option across the rail corridor connecting the Marian Street entrance and Little Eveleigh Street with lifts and stairs to Platforms 1 to 10. This option is the preferred option as it provides access to all platforms from both sides of the rail corridor and has better connectivity to key destinations within the broader precinct. This option would take less time to construct and be opened to customers earlier than option 2.
Image Little Eveleigh Street Options under Transport's preferred option - TfNSW 2019
The consultation for Redfern station in May 2019 only showed Transport for NSW's preferred option with a southern concourse discharging into Little Eveleigh Street. This image shows some of the options for changes in Little Eveleigh Street to accommodate the proposal. This image was not released to the broad community but the details were shown to some institutions. At the REDWatch meeting, Transport for NSW said they were talking to Council about Little Eveleigh Street possibilities. Transport also said that Transport could take control of the areas around the station out of Council's control to facilitate movement to and from Redfern station. Each of the options shown in this slide remove parking from Little Eveleigh Street and seek to manage the bike, pedestrian and vehicle traffic conflicts that will result from the southern concourse discharging into Little Eveleigh Street.
File Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse connecting through Little Eveleigh and Marian Streets Artist Impressions - TfNSW 2019
This PDF contains an updated slide on this option as well as artist impressions of how the option could be delivered. This detail is from a Transport for NSW presentation on 4 July 2019. The full presentation can also be found in this section of the REDWatch website. The artist impressions clearly do not show Little Eveleigh at the morning or afternoon peak!
Image Redfern Station Option for Short Southern Concourse 2019
The consultation for Redfern station in May 2019 only showed Transport for NSW's preferred option. The documentation referred however, to two other options that were considered but these details were not released to the broad community but the details were shown to some institutions. This slide is the Option 1 referred to in the consultation material. It proposes an accessibility solution with three lifts on the northern end of the station and four on the southern end. Under this option, the Southern Concourse does not connect to Little Eveleigh Street. In the FAQ document for the exhibition TfNSW says: A ‘short’ concourse option with lifts and stairs connecting the Marian Street entrance to Platforms 2 – 10. A separate lift could be installed connecting customers from Platform 1 to Lawson Street. This option is not preferred as it would provide poor connectivity for customers interchanging between Platform 1 and other platforms. This option does not meet the project objective of providing access across the rail corridor for customers and the community and connections to key destinations in the broader precinct.
Image Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse connecting at ground level through North Eveleigh 2019
The consultation for Redfern station in May 2019 only showed Transport for NSW's preferred option. The documentation referred however, to two other options that were considered but these details were not released to the broad community but the details were shown to some institutions. This slide is the Option 2 referred to in the consultation material. It proposes lifts to all above ground platforms at the southern end. It connects through North Eveleigh to Wilson and Ivy Street. This option is rejected due to its longer walk time. This bridge takes an unexplained convoluted path around the heritage Telecommunications building. Earlier plans were close to the rear of the buildings on the southern side of Little Eveleigh Street and had quicker travel times. In the FAQ document for the exhibition TfNSW says: A ‘long’ concourse option across the rail corridor connecting the Marian Street entrance and Wilson Street with lifts and stairs to Platforms 1to 10 with a pedestrian pathway between Platform 1 and Wilson Street. This option was not preferred from a customer perspective with a less desirable access across the rail corridor and the pedestrian pathway. This option would also require more footings to support the bridge and take longer to construct with the increased distance between Marian Street and Wilson Street.
File Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse connecting at ground level through North Eveleigh - Artist impressions 2019
This PDF contains an updated slide on this option as well as artist impressions of how the option could be delivered. This detail is from a Transport for NSW presentation on 4 July 2019. The full presentation can also be found in this section of the REDWatch website. At the presentation it was made clear that with the redevelopment of North Eveleigh that it might be necessary later to reroute the connection to fit better with the North Eveleigh redevelopment when plans for this development are finalised.
File Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse elevated connection through North Eveleigh - TfNSW 2019
This is the proposal for a Redfern Station option for a Southern Concourse with an elevated connection through to North Eveleigh. This detail is from a Transport for NSW presentation on 4 July 2019. The full presentation can also be found in this section of the REDWatch website. At the presentation it was made clear that with the redevelopment of North Eveleigh that it might be necessary later to reroute the connection to fit better with the North Eveleigh redevelopment when plans for this development are finalised.
File Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse elevated connection through North Eveleigh - Artist impressions 2019
This PDF shows the proposal and artist impressions of how the option could be delivered. This detail is from a Transport for NSW presentation on 4 July 2019. The full presentation can also be found in this section of the REDWatch website. At the presentation it was made clear that with the redevelopment of North Eveleigh that it might be necessary later to reroute the connection to fit better with the North Eveleigh redevelopment when plans for this development are finalised.
File Redfern Station Option for Southern Concourse elevated connection through North Eveleigh connecting to South Eveleigh - TfNSW 2019
This is the proposal for a Redfern Station option for a Southern Concourse with an elevated connection through to North Eveleigh which also connects to South Eveleigh. This detail is from a Transport for NSW presentation on 4 July 2019. The full presentation can also be found in this section of the REDWatch website. At the presentation it was made clear that with the redevelopment of North Eveleigh that it might be necessary later to reroute the connection to fit better with the North Eveleigh redevelopment when plans for this development are finalised. To achieve a connection at South Eveleigh as a single bridge the proposal has separate lifts for platforms 8 9 and 10 that do not connect to the concourse. No visuals for the South Eveleigh landing were shown
Image Community Suggestions - Philip Thalis Options Analysis
This graphic, produced by Architect and City Councillor Philip Thalis, compares four Southern Concourse options for Redfern Station. The Red option is TfNSW's preferred option linking Marian Street to Little Eveleigh Street. The Blue option is TfNSW's option 2, which goes around the heritage Telecommunications building. The Green option is the more direct route for the blue option. The Black option addresses the lack of footpath at Marian Street and feeds directly into South Eveleigh. It should be noted however that none of these options currently connect to platforms 11&12 and to the buses. These options also do not include the option of a bridge from North Eveleigh to South Eveleigh that connects to a rail concourse that does not discharge into Little Eveleigh street. Of these options the black option seems to be the option supported by many campaigning to for a better Southern Concourse outcome at Redfern Station.
File Community Suggestions - Watertower's H solution
This option was sketched up following the TfNSW consultation with Watertower residents. It has a public connection between North Eveleigh and South Eveleigh with a plaza connection to the paid concourse. Ticket barriers could be located off the public concourse. TfNSW do not like this option as they say it is three bridges not one. While not shown the paid concourse could easily extend to lifts and new stairs off platforms 11 & 12.
File Community Suggestions - Hills Thalis North Eveleigh to Gibbons St
This suggestion tweeted by Philip Thalis on 5 July 2019 shows how a parallel public and paid concourse could join North Eveleigh and Gibbons Street. Many stations have parallel paid and unpaid concourse so this could be done as part of a single bridge. This proposal allows a paid concourse to platforms 11 & 12 and an unpaid concourse to buses. This proposal does not link to South Eveleigh which is seen as a major requirement both for those exiting the station and for cross rail corridor movements.
Redfern Station Southern Concourse Consultation until 2 June 2019
Plans for a new southern concourse to Redfern Station have been made available for public comment. This is the first step in a State Significant Infrastructure Project process which will take a couple of years to plan and deliver a new concourse.
File Proposed Southern Concourse Consultation Newsletter May 2019
This newsletter was distributed as part of the consultation under taken by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for their proposed preferred southern concourse option at Redfern Station in May 2019.
File Proposed Southern Concourse Consultation Frequently Asked Questions May 2019
These are the answers to what Transport for NSW (TfNSW) thought the frequently asked questions would be in their consultation over their proposed preferred southern concourse option at Redfern Station in May 2019.
File Redfern Station Options presentation by Transport for NSW to Stakeholder Forum 4 July 2019
This presentation shows three additional options to the option preferred by Transport for NSW for a Southern Concourse at Redfern Station. These options were presented to a meetinging of stakeholders where selected stakeholders were allowed 2 representatives. It is the basis for a wider consultation in July 2019. In REDWatch's view none of the options address the key needs for the accessibility of Redfern station to also include platforms 11&12 and to connect to buses. The options also need to be put together in a way that recognizes the need for open connectivity across the rail line that connects people to buses and to South Eveleigh. This presentation can also be downloaded from:
File Redfern and North Eveleigh Precinct Map - TfNSW 2019
This map shows the Redfern Station and North Eveleigh Precinct. It is colour coded to separate out different areas. Of importance to TfNSW's Access Programs proposed southern concourse (in the purple area) is that the orange area onto Gibbons street is proposed as a separate development over the top of Platforms 11 & 12. Transport is reluctant to preempt what a developer might do on this site. In the blue shaded are we have the future North Eveleigh development which has historically included a pedestrian and bike link to South Eveleigh. In REDWatch's view the problem with the current southern concourse proposals is that they do not look at what is needed across these three areas. The solution needs provides accessibility access to all platforms, non paid connectivity across the rail corridor from North Eveleigh to South Eveleigh, connectivity to buses and a future North Eveleigh. The proposed use of Little Eveleigh Street for example will not meet the requirements of the new developments in North Eveleigh. Connectivity needs to be planned across the TfNSW silos to provide the best outcome for the present and future communities that will use the station and connect across it.
File RWA Railway Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge Proposals
The Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) included the need for a pedestrian and cycle connection between North Eveleigh and South Eveleigh. Here we have assembled some of the planning work they undertook. Firstly we have drawn from the final version of the RWA Built Environment Plan showing two possible connections across the rail corridor. It also included illustrations of how a bridge from North Eveleigh to South Eveleigh would operate and how pedestrians would move from the north end of the station to the south. This work was reflected in the North Eveleigh Concept plan so we have included some material on how this was expected to work on the North Eveleigh side. Finally in 2008 the RWA prepared a proposal for a bridge across the railway line which they called the "Eveleigh Heritage Walk". These documents and supporting were exhibited but the proposal was withdrawn and not progressed. The technical documents can still be accessed on the Department of planning website at - None of these proposals showed how they would connect to the railway platforms however this was expected in the planning documents.
File Southern Concourse - Option 5 Analysis - A Community Option
This is the community generated option for the Southern Concourse which locals are taking to surrounding institutions and to Transport for NSW (TfNSW). This proposal is a modification on TfNSW's option 4 which even they admit is not viable. If there is to be only one bridge then it has to accommodate cycle and pedestrian movements across the rail corridor and not just provide much needed universal access the platforms. It needs to link people to platforms 11 & 12 and buses as well as to South Eveleigh. It also needs to link to the future developments at North Eveleigh and avoid the problems of Little Eveleigh Street and Marian Street. It also needs to meet Rail's platform limitations and not provide an elevated barrier at the rear of Little Eveleigh properties. The proposal is a concept only and is not fully worked up. For example the community suggested that the pathway could go through the Telecommunications building rather than above it or around it. The representations of this in the proposal is a possible way of doing this, it is to be treated as concept designs only not an indication of a preferred outcome. REDWatch wishes to thank Damien Minton for leading this project between REDWatch and Reconnect Redfern. We also wish to think Architects Cracknell and Lonergan for drawing up the proposal based on the community brief.
Image Southern Concourse - Option 5 Image - A community option
This is an image from the the community generated option for the Southern Concourse which locals are taking to surrounding institutions and to Transport for NSW (TfNSW). This proposal is a modification on TfNSW's option 4 which even they admit is not viable. If there is to be only one bridge then it has to accommodate cycle and pedestrian movements across the rail corridor and not just provide much needed universal access the platforms. It needs to link people to platforms 11 & 12 and buses as well as to South Eveleigh. It also needs to link to the future developments at North Eveleigh and avoid the problems of Little Eveleigh Street and Marian Street. It also needs to meet Rail's platform limitations and not provide an elevated barrier at the rear of Little Eveleigh properties. The proposal is a concept only and is not fully worked up. For example the community suggested that the pathway could go through the Telecommunications building rather than above it or around it. The representations of this in the proposal is a possible way of doing this, it is to be treated as concept designs only not an indication of a preferred outcome. REDWatch wishes to thank Damien Minton for leading this project between REDWatch and Reconnect Redfern. We also wish to think Architects Cracknell and Lonergan for drawing up the proposal based on the community brief.
File Redfern Station Community Option 5 Presentation Slides
This is the presentation provided by REDWatch and Reconnect Redfern to Transport for NSW on August 6th 2019 of a Community Option 5 for the Redfern Station southern concourse. This presentation argues for five major issues to be addressed in designs for a southern concourse. The presentation also makes the case for a bike and pedestrian concourse between North and South Eveleigh which is missing from the options presented by Transport for NSW. These slides are accompanied by some companion notes that detail information presented to Transport for NSW along side these slides. To understand the community proposal the presentation slides should be viewed alongside the presentation notes. This file is a PDF of the presentation.
Redfern Station Community Option 5 Presentation Notes
On August 6th 2019 REDWatch and Reconnect Redfern presented Transport for NSW a Community Option 5 for the Redfern Station southern concourse. These are the notes from that presentation and should be read alongside the option 5 presentation slides. The presentation argues for five major issues to be addressed in designs for a southern concourse. The presentation also makes the case for a bike and pedestrian concourse between North and South Eveleigh which is missing from the options presented by Transport for NSW.