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Sign up to give a lift to redfern

PHASE two of the long-running Lift Redfern campaign — which aims to get elevator access at the busy innercity railway station — is under way with the launch of an online petition reports Central Magazine in its 6 March 2013 issue.

Last year, a petition of 10,000 signatures supporting the addition of lift access at Redfern station was brought before State Parliament but the matter was dismissed after a brief 20-minute discussion.

The campaign, however, continues and the online petition will be used to request the immediate installation of lifts on platforms 11 and 12 as an interim measure, as well as ask for an exact timeframe as to when work will start on completely upgrading the station.

Under the Federal Disability Legislation in the Accessible Transport Action Plan, 55 per cent of infrastructure across the entire NSW rail network should have been made wheelchair accessible by the end 2012 and 100 per cent should be accessible by the end of 2022.

Lift Redfern spokesman Geoff Turnbull said only 43 per cent of stations are currently accessible.

Mr Turnbull said in the meantime the upgrades to platforms 11 and 12 could be accomplished without having to alter the existing station.

‘‘Platforms 11 and 12 are wide – these could be easily upgraded without major work needing to be undertaken to the rest of the station,’’ he said. ‘‘To put lifts on the other platforms it is going to be a very expensive exercise because the platforms will need to be made wider.

‘‘That is why we are just asking for those two platforms to begin with, so people who have mobility difficulties can at least get from Central to Redfern.’’

If you would like to get involved with the campaign, visit or or email

Source: Central 6 March 2013 Printed edition

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