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Redfern Waterloo Maps

A selection of maps showing different aspects of the Redfern Waterloo area from a variety of sources including the RWA and SMDA. You can also use Google Maps zoom in on parts of the Redfern Waterloo area for satellite and street level views.
RWA Boundary Map
This map is the official RWA boundary map. It can be found on the RWA site at . The file is 270Mb.
RWA State Significant Areas
This map shows the areas that the RWA is using to refer to the various parts of Redfern Waterloo that were declared state significant and under their control. This map was first shown to the community at the Minister's meeting with public tenants. The RWA website contains a 5 MB version of this map - This File is 336 Kb.
RWA State Significant
This map shows the area gazetted as State Significant within the RWA Area. The RWA takes planning control in this area away from the City of Sydney Council. File size is 236 Kb.
RWA State Significant Areas - Big File Download
Below is the link to down load the 5 MB version of the State Significant Areas map
Major Land Owners in RED area
This colour map shows the major land owners in the RED area. About one third of the area is owned by government departments. This map is Figure 7 "Major land owners in the RED area" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 186 Kb.
RWA Photo Suburb Map
This map shows a photo of the suburbs that make up the RWA with the suburb boundaries marked. This map is Figure 1 "Area covered in surrounding linked communities" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 264 Kb.
RED Strategy Area
This shows the area initially covered by the RWPP RED Strategy. This map is Figure 6 "Area covered by the RED Strategy" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 209 Kb.
National Trust Register Redfern Waterloo
This map was produced by the National Trust at the time of the RWA anouncement. It shows the RED Strategy boundaries rather than the subsequently accepted RWA boundaries. The Statement issued with the map was also based on some of Alexandria being involved. In the statement the traust said "In the Redfern/Waterloo area there are four conservation areas that have been classified by the Trust and entered on the National Trust Register. Forty three percent of the total area is classified by the Trust with an expectation that it will be conserved for future generations. "Two hundred and five individual buildings and parks are also entered on the National Trust Register including Redfern, Waterloo and Darlington Primary Schools and Redfern Railway Station considered by the Trust to be unique among the state’s train stations and dating back to the 1870s." The full statement can be seen at The file is 310 Kb.
Bus Routes
This maps show how the RED Area is served by bus routes. Bus routes tend to serve through trafic rather than the transport needs of those that live in the area. The RED consultation identified the need for both a local figure 8 bus route to enable local people to easily access Railway Stations as well as a wider service to allow the community to access hospital, shopping and open space. This map is Figure 13 "Bus toutes" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 287 Kb.
Open Space in RED Area
This photo map shows open space within the RED Strategy area. This map is Figure 9 "Open Space" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 204 Kb.
Proximity to Open Space outside Area
This map shows how the REDW area sits in proximity to surrounding open space. The RED Strategy consultation identified that while there was open space near the RED area there were problems for the local community accessing these areas. This map is Figure 10 "Proximity to open spaces outside ther area" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 174 Kb.
Land Ownership around The Block
This map shows land ownership around The Block in Redfern in early 2004. This map is Figure 14 "Land ownership in and around The Block" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 229 Kb.
Road Structure
This map shows the road structure for the RED area. The RED area is bordered on two sides by arterial roads and has a twin pair arterial road running through the Redfern Town centre.This map is Figure 12 "Road Structure" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 87 Kb.
Redfern Police Local Area Command
This map shows the area covered by the Redfern LAC. This map is Figure 17 "Boundaries of the NSW Police Redfern Local Area Command" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 200 Kb.
Facilities in Redfern Waterloo
This map shows the major streets and selected community facilities in the RWA Area. This map is Figure 2 "Facilities in Redfern and Waterloo" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 265 Kb.
Demolished houses on Block and Needle Van Location
This map shows the location of houses demolished on The Block to early 2004. It also shows the locations used by the mobile needle van. This map is Figure 16 "Locations of mobile needle and syringe van and demolished houses" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. File size is 179 Kb.
RED Proposed Town Centre
This diagram from the RED Strategy shows the consultants proposal for the Redfern Town Centre. Source Slide 9 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File is 380Kb.
Changes in State Electoral Boundaries for 2007 Election
Changes to electoral boundaries in the REDW area for the next State election would see Clover Moore’s seat of Bligh move north of Cleveland Street and contain no part of Redfern Waterloo. Kristina Keneally’s seat of Heffron would move north to take in almost all of Redfern. The piece of Redfern on the Western side of the railway line, including the block, moves into Andrew Refshauge’s old seat of Marrickville. We have included the relevant section of the proposed boundary map below. (Proposed boundaries in blue & existing boundaries in gold). File size is 94Kb.
Initial RWA Map
This map was the one initially released to the media, and put on the RWPP website to show the RWA boundaries. It follows the earlier RED boundaries. It was not until the legislation became available that it was realised that Alexandria was not part of the area to be covered by the RWA. Map is 251 Kb.
RED Community Transport
The RED Consultation proposed a Community Transport (CAT) Route so that all those living in the Redfern Waterloo area could gain easy access to the town centre and the railway system. This is the diagram of the route the consultants proposed. Source Slide 7 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File size is 245 Kb.
RED Population Distribution
This map shows the population distribution in Redfern Waterloo in 2001. Source Slide 5 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File size is 273 Kb.
RED Bicycle Network
The RED Consultants proposed the following bicycle network for Redfern Waterloo. Source Slide 7 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 200. File size is 240 Kb.
RED Traffic Impacts
These maps show the regional traffic impacts on Redfern Waterloo identified by the RED Strategy Consultants. Source Slide 8 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File size is 330 Kb.
RED Employment Areas
This map shows Redfern Waterloo in relation to the city and Green space and highlights in yellow the areas the consultants expercted to create employment in the redevelopment of the area. Source Slide 10 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File size is 260 Kb.
RWA Draft Built Environment Maps
Maps from the RWA Draft BEP are on another part of this site. The link to these maps and diagrams are provided here.
RWA Draft Proposed Public Works Map
This is the location map of RWA proposed public works from the Draft Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contibutions Plan 2006.
Index of Disadvantage - Socio-economic profile for the Redfern-Waterloo Operational Area, 1996 and 2001
This map appears in the Draft RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan. The Plan states: "The loss of low cost private housing due to gentrification and a combination of the increased targeting of public housing to those most in need and its concentration in certain precincts has also led to a growing polarisation in the community. Even comparing socio-economic profiles of the area for 1996 and 2001, a relatively short period, it is possible to detect the change in the community. Figures 1 and 2 shows a significant increase in areas of advantage (shaded green) across the Operational Area from 1996 to 2001 and demonstrate the effects of gentrification. However, they also reveal increased levels of polarisation with areas of high disadvantage (shaded dark blue) directly adjoining areas of high advantage (shaded dark green). Given current trends and the potential for further development in the area, there is a real danger that this will lead to further polarisation." Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas, 1996 and 2001 (JPG 83 Kb).
NSW State Plan 2006 - Mention of Redfern Station Upgrade
The RWA Update of February 2007 makes reference to: "The NSW Government’s State Plan includes the upgrade of Redfern Railway Station as part of RailCorp’s forward capital works program. NSW Premier, Morris Iemma, released the Government’s Urban Transport Statement in November last year which lists the Redfern Station upgrade as a Capacity and Service Improvement Initiative to be implemented by 2011. " This is the map referred to in the State Plan. PDF 250 Kb.
RWA Mud Map
This is a black and white "mud map" of the RWA area based on Figure 7 "Major land owners in the RED area" from the NSW Government Submission for the Inquiry into Redfern and Waterloo 30 April 2004. The boundary of the map has been changed to show the subsequent RWA boundaries and other sites of significance as well as the initial land owner information. File is 1.2 MB PDF .
Metropolitan Rail Expansion Program: Metro Pitt and Metro West indicative protection corridors, October 2005
Map 3 of the "Metropolitan Rail Expansion Program: Metro Pitt and Metro West indicative protection corridors in October 2005" shows where future rail infrastructure may be placed in relation to Redfern Waterloo. A SEPP was introduced in February 2006 to preserve two possible future underground routes within the City of Sydney from being effected by possible future development over the proposed routes. PDF 408Kb.
RED Proposed Town Centre (PDF)
This is a PDF version of the diagram from the RED Strategy shows the consultants proposal for the Redfern Town Centre. Source Slide 9 RED Strategy Consultation Overheads 25 June 2003. File is 531Kb PDF.
Hotspot map for non-domestic alcohol-related assault incidents 2006
This is a Hotspot map for non-domestic alcohol-related assault incidents in the City of Sydney LGA for 2006. I was taken from a Council report for Planning Policy Subcommittee for 4th May 2009 on Councils Late Night Trading Research Project - PDF 410KB.
Map of HNSW land covered by Redfern & Waterloo Redevelopment
This is an aerial map photo map showing the area that will be covered by the RWA Built Environment Plan 2 and the Housing NSW Preliminary Master Plan. The map is labeled with the names of the HNSW high rise buildings. The Map is a large 3.4 MB PDF.
TNSW Precincts with forecast significant population and employment growth between 2011 and 2031
The Draft NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan released on 10 September 2012 contains this map as Figure 4.39. The map shows precincts with forecast significant population and employment growth between 2011 and 2031 in Central Sydney. It shows Darlington & West Redfern along with East Chippendale as Growth Precincts. The proposed redevelopment of Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing is not shown as a Growth Precinct on this map and neither is Ashmore Estate. The Map is hence interesting for both what it shows for a Heritage Conservation Area like Darlington and what it does not show. File is 474 KB PDF.
TNSW MP Inner Sydney Growth Precincts between 2011 and 2031
The Final NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan released on 13 December 2012 contains this map as Figure 4.39. The map shows precincts with forecast significant population and employment growth between 2011 and 2031 in inner Sydney. It shows Darlington & West Redfern along with East Chippendale as Growth Precincts but now plans are in the public domain. The proposed redevelopment of Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing and Ashmore Estate were not shown in the draft map but are included with some other changes in the Final Master Plan map. File is 262 KB PDF.