Pemulwuy Project Modifications 2010-2012

In mid January 2012 the the Aboriginal Housing Company's Environmental Assessments (EAs) for the Pemulwuy Mixed Use Development in Redfern went on public exhibition. Here you can see some of the documents associated with this proposal and some of the background to the AHC's modifications to the original approved Concept Plan.
Pemulwuy Project Modification Details Publicly Available
The Department of Planning (DoP) has posted the Aboriginal Housing Company’s (AHC) Preliminary Plans for modification of the Pemulwuy Project Concept Plan. These documents can now be viewed on the Department of Planning’s Major Project website under Pemulwuy Concept Plan MOD 1. We have provided some background to the changes and a guide to the documents currently available below.
Premier announces grant for the Block
Premier Kristina Keneally last week announced a $2 million grant to the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) to help it redevelop and revitalise the Block in Redfern reports Michael Davis in City News of Thursday, 17 March 2011.
The NSW Government before it went into caretaker mode approved a $2 million grant to the Aboriginal Housing Company to help it with the next stage of its Pemulwuy Project to re-develop and revitalise The Block. The text of the media release from the Premier Kristina Keneally on 10th March 2011 during her visit to the Block is provided below.
Transfer of land in Redfern to the Aboriginal Housing Company from Council
The City proposes to transfer this land to the Aboriginal Housing Company, to help provide housing and other facilities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, for $20. The transfer of land for a nominal sum reflects the City of Sydney’s support of the project. The transfer of land to the Aboriginal Housing Company proposal will be on public exhibition 1 August to 5 September 2011 states this notice for Council of 10 July 2011.
AHC to receive Federal Affordable Housing Support
The Aboriginal Housing Company’s application for Affordable housing support under the Gillard Governments National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) has been successful. Local Member Tanya Plibersek met with the AHC on 20th October to announce that Three projects in Redfem will deliver 114 new affordable rental properties, including 62 in the Pemulwuy Project. AHC's Mick Mundine and DeiCorp's Project Manager Greg Colbran briefed Ms Plibersek on the AHC’s plans which are expected to be with the department of Planning for public exhibition within weeks. Below is the text of the media release issued by Ms Plibersek.
Pemulwuy affordable housing approval, Redfern
THE Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) has had its application approved for affordable housing support from the National Rental Affordability Scheme reports Central Magazine on 1st November 2011.
Pemulwuy housing made more affordable
REDFERN: On October 20 Tanya Plibersek, Federal Member for Sydney, met with Mick Mundine at the office of the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) following its successful application under the Gillard Government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS). The scheme funds affordable rental housing, reducing rental costs for low and moderate income households and encouraging investment and innovative affordable housing reports the November 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
Pemulwuy Project & Council Land Swap Info Meeting Nov 23, 2011 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Redfern Community Centre, 29-53 Hugo Street, Redfern,
This is advance notice of an independently facilitated meeting to present City Council and Aboriginal Housing Company about the land swap connected to the Pemulwuy project. It will be followed by an AHC presentation on the Pemulwuy Project.
AHC Flyer for Pemulwuy Information Event 22 Nov 2011
This is the PDF of the Invitation to Attend Community Information Event on Tuesday 22nd November 2011 at 6:30pm for a 7.00pm start at the Redfern Community Centre 29-53 Hugo Street, Redfern. File is 403KB PDF.
Council Support for the Pemulwuy Project
The Aboriginal Housing Company’s Pemulwuy Project has moved another step closer, with a Council Committee recommending that Council grant owner’s consent for a Development Application to be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure reports this extract from Clover's eNews of Friday 2 December - No 575. [The links to the various reports about the land transfer and the Pemulwuy Project are also provided below. These include some details of the project that were provided by the AHC at the community meeting - REDWatch]
Pemulwuy Project – AHC community consultation night
On Tuesday November 22, the City of Sydney and the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) held a public forum at Redfern Community Centre chaired by an independent facilitator, to present the AHC’s latest plans for the Pemulwuy Project reports Michael Texilake in the December 2011 issue of The South Sydney Herald.
Pemulwuy Mixed Use Development - Exhibition until 29 Feb 2012
Below is the text of the letter sent on 13 January 2012 by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure to land owners in the vicinity of the Aboriginal Housing Company's proposed Pemulwuy Project. At the foot of this page we have provided links to the pages where the documents on exhibition will appear.
The Block reinvented for new kids, students and artists
Flats for students, a childcare centre and a gallery will replace the dilapidated terraces that characterised the Block in Redfern under revamped plans to develop the site writes Saffron Howden in the Sydney Morning Herald of 20 January 2012. .
Pemulwuy - towards Excavation
The Aboriginal Housing Company’s Pemulwuy Project final plans are on public exhibition until the end of February writes Lyn Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of February 2012.
Public Hearing Reclassification of Council land for Pemulwuy Project - 14 Mar 2012 Mar 15, 2012 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt Street, Redfern,
Have Your Say - Public Hearing Reclassification of land 91-99 Eveleigh Street, Redfern (known as Pemulwuy Park) and 119-121 Eveleigh Street, Redfern (known as the Eveleigh Street Playground).
Locals praise plans to bring back The Block
ELEANOR HALL: Plans to redevelop the once-notorious Block in inner-Sydney are being welcomed by the people who live there. The Block in Redfern was once one of the nation's most feared addresses - an epicentre of crime and substance abuse. But it was also the heart of Sydney's Indigenous community and when authorities finally tore down the housing, its loss was mourned. The World Today's Adam Harvey went to The Block to ask locals what they thought of plans to build flats, a childcare centre and an art gallery. Alan Harvey Reports on the World Today on 24 January 2012.
Pemulwuy Preferred Project Comment Period - Until 21 Sept 2012
The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has received a Preferred Project Report (PPR) from Deicorp Pty on behalf of the Aboriginal Housing Corporation in response to the submissions raised following exhibition of the Environmental Assessment for the above Major Project.
NSW gives go-ahead for Redfern redevelopment
The New South Wales Government has given approval for the redevelopment of The Block in the inner-Sydney suburb of Redfern reports the ABC on 22 December 2012.
Planning Approval for the Block's Pemulwuy Redevelopment
An exciting new chapter in the history of The Block is set to rise from the streets of Redfern with approval granted for the of the Pemulwuy redevelopment project, NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and Planning Minister Brad Hazzard announced today (22 December 2012) reports this media release from NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell.