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North Eveleigh could be New Enterprise Zone :Green Paper - Exhibition until 14 Sept 2012

The NSW Government released on 14 July its Green paper on the new Planning System, it is on exhibition until 14 September. The plan proposes greater up front community involvement in where development goes with less community input once these decisions have been made. Included in green paper are new Zonings including an Enterprise Zone with "very little, if any, development controls providing they do not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts". The Green Paper uses North Eveleigh as an example of where an Enterprise Zone could be established. REDWatch is concerned as the Department of Planning has previously recognised that traffic impacts from this site have a significant impact on the surrounding area. More details on the New Enterprise Zone is provided below.

Enterprise Zones

To proactively provide for innovative investment and to boost employment generation, the NSW Government will introduce a new land use class called an ‘Enterprise Zone’. Enterprise Zones will be characterised by very little, if any, development controls providing they do not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Enterprise zones will generally be targeted to attract employment generating development but could provide opportunities for mixed use housing investment. In this regard, Enterprise Zones will constitute a more flexible zone. 

The designation of Enterprise Zones will need to be consistent with the NSW Planning Policies and is not to compromise other state or local policy objectives. In addition to reduced regulation, additional incentives could be utilised to attract investment to an Enterprise Zone. Some financial incentives could include:

  • Local rate or land tax relief for a prescribed time frame
  • Exemption from development levies, and/or 
  • State or Local Government investment in infrastructure provision or the like to support the area. 

It is envisaged that Enterprise Zones could be identified through Regional Growth Plans, Subregional Delivery Plans or through Local Land Use Plans and would be given effect by a zoning change. 

Local government and community support would be fundamental to the success of this initiative. Enterprise zones could vary in size from precincts (e.g. North Ryde, North Eveleigh, Norwest Business Park) to whole local Government areas that are eager to attract investment in employment.

Source: A New Planning System for NSW - Green Paper (4.4mb) Page 45

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