Transport for NSW Planning for North Eveleigh Precinct
With the demise of Urban Growth Development Corporation planning for the North Eveleigh site has moved to TRansport for NSW in conjunction with The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). DPIE say they are taking "a new approach to precinct planning which centres the planning system around people, places, public spaces and the environment. While the planning process for the Redfern North Eveleigh precinct will be led by the NSW Government due to its strategic importance, a key element of the new approach is close collaboration with local councils, stakeholders and the local community." Here we are gathering information about this planning process that publically started in August 2020.
- RNE Place Design and Strategic Vision 2020-21
- During August 2020 Transport for NSW undertook a Place Design Forum for Redfern North Eveleigh. This informed a Strategic Vision that was exhibited in April 2021 and informed the State Significant Applications. This section of the REDWatch website covers these activities.