The Blacksmith's Shop Development.

On 16 May 2007 the RWA placed on display plans for remediation of the Blacksmith Shop and its future use as a mixed facility permitting its use for parking, markets and as a performance space. During consultation some issues were raised concerning the DA and the RWA Amended their DA by letter on 23 August 2007. The RWA then re-exibited the DA from 12 September to 04 October 2007.
Blacksmith Shop Consultation until 4 October 2007
The Details of the RWA Consultation and the documents made available are provided below. REDWatch has only posted the Statement of Environmental effects and the RWA Amendment letter on the REDWatch site. If you wish to access the other documents after the consultation finishes please contact REDWatch.
Statement of Environmental Effects for the Blacksmith Shop
This is a copy of the "Statement of Environmental Effects" that the RWA submitted to itself for the Blacksmith Shop remediation and re-development. The Appendices referred to in this document are available separately on the RWA website.
Amendment to Development Application 021-05-07
This is a copy of the RWA letter of 23 August 2007 amending the "Statement of Environmental Effects" that the RWA submitted to itself for the Blacksmith Shop remediation and re-development.
Bruce Lay Letter on Eveleigh markets
The following letter was written by Bruce Lay to lord Mayor regarding the Eveleigh Markets Christ Markets. It raises a number of issues from the day.
The first market was a great success, but a transport failure.
Raffety’s rules at the Wilson Street entry.!
At Codrington – this is the inner-wests major bikeway!