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Leamington saved

Save Leamingt on Ave Inc (SLA) has been seeking assurances that their homes are safe since a leaflet arrived in their letterboxes showing resumption in June 2010. After two years they have received a letter from Transport for NSW (TNSW) Director General assuring them that “properties in that area are not required for transport projects, either now or in the foreseeable future” writes Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of July 2012.

After a short, sharp, award-winning campaign they were advised by local MP Carmel Tebbutt that their homes were safe. Wanting to be totally sure they launched a GIPA (FOI) request for the studies used to provide the assurances. Their request was declined and they appealed to the Office of the Information Commissioner who, after eight months, issued a report recommending TNSW undertake further searches for the requested documents. When this was not done, SLA appealed to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT).

As a result of the ADT proceedings, TNSW was required to undertake further searches, provide evidence that withheld documents were Cabinet documents and partially release two documents. An October 2010 study found construction was possible without affecting Leamington Avenue and concluded: “Properties in Leamington Ave could therefore be removed from the potential project land take requirements.”

Source: South Sydney Herald July 2012 -