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3. Strategies for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo

[This is the text from the above mentioned section of the RWA Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) August 2006. Links to maps and illustrations have been included and details of the file size of the link also added to allow for easy navigation. - REDWatch]

This section presents the framework for revitalisation of the built environment of Redfern-Waterloo.

The framework is based on the achievement of strategies for the future development of the RWA’s strategic sites. The strategies relate to: land use and zoning; urban design; open space and public domain infrastructure; heritage; transport; and ecologically sustainable development.

The principles of sustainable development have been considered in developing these strategies and underpin the Built Environment Plan and State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) for the RWA’s strategic sites.

To achieve an improved social and cultural environment, the Plan and SEPP (Major Projects) promote an increase in housing provision, choice and affordability; safety and access; activation of sites adjoining residential areas that are degraded and underutilised; fostering of retail and employment activity; and quality community, cultural and civic spaces for residents, workers and visitors.

To achieve an improved physical environment, the Plan and SEPP (Major Projects) promote a place with a built form and civic spaces that are responsive to the existing context; provides for increased emphasis on public transport; improves access and connections; and encourages development that has regard for environmental sustainable outcomes.

To achieve a more viable economic environment that provides greater employment for local residents and the wider metropolitan area, the Plan and SEPP (Major Projects) encourage high quality developments where retail, cultural and commercial businesses are able to provide jobs for the local and broader Sydney population. A stronger local economy will mean greater investment that will improve the places and spaces in the area.

To achieve a strong governance structure, the Plan will be supported by the SEPP (Major Projects) that will provide the guidelines for future development, and the initiatives of the Human Services Plan and the Employment and Enterprise Plan.

The strategies are supplemented by site specific land use and design concepts for each of RWA’s strategic site detailed in Section 4.

3.1 Land Use Strategy

The Land Use Strategy provides for sustainable outcomes based on sound urban design principles. Diagram 3.1 (901 Kb PDF) illustrates the Land Use Strategy.

The Land Use Strategy is underpinned by the following actions, which have been developed from an analysis of metropolitan, local and site specific issues:

  • zoning land to provide for flexible land uses
  • facilitating economic and employment growth
  • facilitating the creation of a town centre and improved linkages
  • developing a design for the upgrade of Redfern Railway Station
  • facilitating housing provision, choice and affordability
  • facilitating community and cultural development.

Estimated Development Yield

The following table illustrates the indicative development yield that the Plan seeks to achieve on the RWA’s strategic sites.

Table 3.1 Potential Development Yield

Site Area (estimate) 35 hectares (350,000 square metres)

Total development yield (estimate) 600,000 square metres

Zoning and flexibility of land uses

A plethora of land uses, land use zones, plans and controls currently apply to the RWA’s strategic sites. The South Sydney Local Environmental Plan; various Development Control Plans of the current City of Sydney and former South Sydney Councils; Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 26–City West; Urban Development Plan–Eveleigh Precinct and the Australian Technology Park Master Plan represent the myriad of planning instruments and policies applying to the RWA’s strategic sites.

These plans and policies do not provide a consistent or comprehensive set of controls and guidelines, and were not specifically developed to revitalise and renew Redfern-Waterloo. They present a lack of certainty and clarity for development opportunities and do not provide the basis for achieving the vision for Redfern-Waterloo. These policies are no longer appropriate and need to be replaced.

The Land Use Strategy proposes the adoption of new land use zones that provide flexible land uses to encourage investment, generate jobs and provide housing to facilitate the revitalisation and renewal of Redfern-Waterloo. The new land use zones will replace the redundant and restrictive zones currently applying to the sites.

For example, large areas of under-utilised surplus railway land that are sterilised from redevelopment opportunities due to existing railway zoning, will be rezoned to allow for a mix of non-residential and residential uses.

The proposed land use zones indicated in Section 4 are based on the land use zones included in the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Diagram 3.2 (2.2 Mb PDF) indicates the proposed land use zones for the RWA’s strategic sites.

The land use zones allow for a range of business, office, retail, light industrial uses; residential development; community uses and public open spaces.

Facilitate economic and employment growth

Economic and job growth is integral to the renewal of Redfern-Waterloo. To encourage employment growth higher floor space ratios will be provided for employment generating land uses on the strategic sites where mixed uses are proposed.

The Land Use Strategy will generate development potential (non-residential) of around 440,000 square metres to accommodate around 18,000 jobs in Redfern-Waterloo. It is envisaged that land uses will include a range of activities including commercial and retail development, community and cultural facilities, health facilities, educational establishments, entertainment facilities, restaurants, light industries, film and television, research and development. The Strategy complements the RWA’s Employment and Enterprise Plan, which identifies actions to translate development potential into actual jobs for local and non local workers through:

  • education and training, including a dedicated vocational training centre to provide people with the opportunities to gain access to well paid work
  • strengthening partnerships with local employers
  • industry based employment strategies
  • employment and enterprise strategies for Aboriginal people
  • support for local business.

The strategy is based on harnessing the potential for job growth and activity around the Redfern Railway Station, within Australian Technology Park, on the disused railway land at North and South Eveleigh and the Eveleigh Street sites to meet local and metropolitan employment needs. The Strategy recognises the need to establish a threshold density necessary to encourage employment clusters, economic viability and vitality. It strongly supports job growth as a key driver to achieving a sustainable community in Redfern-Waterloo.

The proposed concentration of activity and development density around the Redfern Railway Station:

  • reflects synergies with Central Station
  • reflects Redfern’s status as the southern gateway to the Sydney CBD
  • takes advantage of the underutilised land capacity
  • is environmentally responsible
  • builds on the unique accessibility of Redfern Railway Station.

Importantly, the concentration provides an employment centre for the south east metropolitan sub-region of Sydney and increases the opportunity for residents to live and work within the region. It also arrests the significant loss of traditional industrial and employment generating land from residential rezonings that have occurred in the sub-region over the past decade.

Movement in and around Redfern Railway Station will be directed to Redfern Town Centre and Regent Street to boost economic activity and enhance the viability of the town centre.

The ATP, which is a unique employment hub located a short walking distance from Redfern Railway Station, has not realised its economic and investment potential. Further job growth at the ATP will benefit local residents, as well as provide a vital employment destination for residents in the south eastern metropolitan sub-region.

North Eveleigh provides the unique opportunity as a precinct where people can live, work and recreate in an iconic and artistic place within short distance of a major public transport hub.

The Contemporary Performing Arts Centre being built by Arts NSW will boost activity and interest in the area and encourage complementary activity. North Eveleigh is ideally located for a range of land uses, including student accommodation, innovative incubator businesses, training centres, markets and other activities linked with its cultural and artistic focus.

The Eveleigh Street site, which extends to Cleveland Street, has traditionally been a mixed use area with both housing and employment activity. Opportunities for employment generating uses will be increased within this site, including the potential for Aboriginal enterprises.

The scope of potential uses and activities will generate a range of jobs for both skilled and less skilled workers in the local area and in the sub-region.

Facilitate the creation of a town centre and improved linkages

The town centre will grow around Redfern Railway Station and provide the activity heart of Redfern. It will be a destination for jobs and housing, and provide a focus for people to meet and socialise.

A central element of the town centre will be the improvement of Redfern Railway Station and the creation of a civic space that connects Redfern Railway Station to Redfern Street, Regent Street and the ATP through well defined pedestrian and cycle linkages. Linkages between the town centre, North Eveleigh and the University of Sydney will also be improved to provide better access. It is envisaged that the town centre will develop into a lively, safe and attractive area with a quality civic space and public domain activated by a variety of uses at street level.

A concept design study for the upgrade of Redfern Railway Station has commenced and is being funded by the RWA and RailCorp. The study is aimed at delivering a design for the upgrade of the Station to improve capacity, provide access for people with disabilities, enhance pedestrian movement and connectivity, and to support the vision of the Built Environment Plan.

Facilitate housing provision, choice and affordability

Around 2,000 new dwellings will be developed in Redfern-Waterloo under Stage One of the Plan reflecting a potential population increase of around 4,000 residents. The dwellings will be located throughout the RWA’s strategic sites and include low, medium and high-rise apartment development, town houses and terraces.

The increase in dwelling numbers, diversity and tenancy mix will provide greater housing choice and contribute to the creation of a more socio-economic diverse community.

The Land Use Strategy proposes that future residential development located outside the town centre and adjacent to existing residential areas will be designed to be compatible with the surrounding residential areas. Design guidelines governing residential amenity for new and existing residents will be outlined in supporting Development Control Plans.

The provision of affordable housing is important for ensuring greater housing choice and a more socio-economically diverse community. The RWA will develop an Affordable Housing Program largely financed by new development on the RWA’s strategic sites and the Carlton United Brewery site. The Program will target special groups and be supported by an Affordable Housing Contribution Plan. It is envisaged that the Program and Plan will be exhibited in the next few months.

Facilitate community and cultural development

Community and cultural facilities are an important aspect of a healthy and vibrant community. The RWA is committed to facilitating the provision of community facilities in the area that cater to education and the needs of the community, as well as cultural facilities that can play an important role in revitalisation.

The key community and cultural actions are to:

  • provide for flexible land uses to enable the location and operation of community, health and cultural facilities in accessible locations
  • provide secure public open space including civic spaces that are well designed and safe for the enjoyment of the community
  • encourage community events and celebrations on public open spaces
  • support increased housing provision and choice
  • facilitate the establishment of a centre of Aboriginal cultural, social and sporting excellence
  • facilitate opportunities for cultural enterprise developments.

The RWA has recently facilitated the purchase of the former Redfern Public School by the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC). The site will be transformed into a national centre of Aboriginal cultural, social and sporting excellence. Educational services will also be delivered from the site.

The RWA has also been instrumental in securing the former Local Court House and Police Station as a community health facility that will provide a range of services for the community in a central location.

The Employment and Enterprise Plan indicates the opportunity to reposition Redfern-Waterloo as a cultural precinct in Sydney. The North Eveleigh site has been identified as an ideal location to build a cultural industry leveraging off art galleries, performance spaces and practising artists in the area. Cultural activities are an important element in creating a sustainable and vibrant community.

The new Contemporary Performing Arts Centre to be located in the Carriage Works in North Eveleigh is scheduled to open in January 2007 and will provide the foundations for future residential and commercial development in North Eveleigh.

The RWA, Arts NSW and City of Sydney will be developing a Cultural Industries Strategy to identify opportunities for cultural industry development such as local markets, indigenous cultural tourism, festivals and indigenous art.

The Plan reinforces the initiatives of the Human Services Plan for achieving efficient and appropriate delivery of human services to those in need in the community, by facilitating the provision of community services through land use and zoning controls.

3.2 Urban Design Strategy

The Urban Design Strategy complements the Land Use Strategy and has been developed through site specific and contextual analysis of the urban structure, the existing building form and massing, and the character of places and buildings on RWA’s strategic sites. An integral component of the Urban Design Strategy is respecting the urban structure; upgrade of streets and open spaces; and establishing linkages and connections to transport, employment, housing and open space.

Opportunities for architectural design excellence competitions on iconic and important sites, such as North Eveleigh, ATP, Redfern Railway Station and Gibbons Street will be encouraged to promote design quality, innovation and the achievement of sustainable development.

The Strategy proposes maximum height and floor space ratio controls (Diagrams 3.3 (1.2Mb PDF) and 3.4 (997 Kb PDF)), a design concept and design principles to inform future development outcomes on RWA’s strategic sites. The site specific design concepts detailed in Section 4 of the Plan complement the design concept and principles outlined in this Strategy.

The height and floor space ratio controls have been included in the SEPP (Major Projects).

Development on RWA’s strategic sites will be required to achieve a high standard of:

  • architectural design for buildings
  • design and amenity within the public domain
  • environmental amenity in terms of sustainable design, overshadowing, noise, wind, reflectivity and solar access.

The design concepts and principles within this Plan will be translated into more detailed controls and guidelines, and incorporated into the plans and policies that will be developed subsequent to this Plan, to guide development on RWA’s strategic sites.

Design concept

The design concepts for the RWA’s strategic sites are to:

  • Maximise density within the commercial core to facilitate the establishment of a defined town centre around Redfern Railway Station, and maintain the established character of residential areas.
  • Create the greatest density around Redfern Railway Station in terms of built form, use and activity.
  • Reconnect east and west Redfern across the rail line and link the ATP, North Eveleigh, South Eveleigh and the major employment zones.
  • Improve the public domain by improving pedestrian amenity, walkability and increasing surveillance and ‘eyes on the street’.
  • Improve streets and open spaces with quality landscaping, signage and street furniture.
  • Ameliorate traffic impacts to create safe pedestrian links across Gibbons and Regent Streets to Redfern Street.
  • Reinforce and continue existing pedestrian links to the street pattern and extend street alignments into the RWA’s strategic sites to integrate them into the broader context.

General urban design principles

The following design principles will guide future development on RWA’s strategic sites:

  • Built form and massing of new development is to respond to the immediate context and character of the site and should provide a transition between scales.
  • Development around the Redfern Railway Station to emulate the southern Sydney CBD (as around Railway Square).
  • Reinforce the sense of enclosure to the streets, reinforce street alignments and achieve an appropriate human scale at street level.
  • Development is to incorporate sustainability principles, including building design that maximises energy efficiency.
  • The massing and design of building must maintain solar access to adjacent development, open space and the public domain in accordance with best practice.
  • The massing and design of buildings must minimise wind impacts on pedestrian amenity. Future development proposals will be subject to detailed wind tunnel testing and analysis to demonstrate the achievement of comfortable wind conditions throughout the year. Within the Town Centre future development proposals shall incorporate wind mitigation measures such as: podiums; towers to be setback a minimum of eight metres from all sides on the podium level; canopies around the base of buildings; podium level planting and screening; street planting and screens; and maximum spacing between adjacent towers.
  • Developments are to be designed to maximise amenity for future occupants.
  • Ensure glare reflectivity from new buildings will not adversely impact on the uses of the public domain, occupants of adjacent buildings or motorist visibility.
  • Ensure that new development is designed and located to minimise acoustic and vibration impacts from the railway corridor and traffic on major roads.
  • New buildings must achieve design excellence in architectural, landscape and urban design. Design competitions for significant sites will be encouraged.
  • Provide active frontages to all public domain areas including streets and parks to maximise informal surveillance.
  • Encourage quality landscape design within public spaces and at the interface between public spaces and private development.
  • Create new links and connections through larger sites with public streets and laneways.

3.3 Open Space and Public Domain Strategy

Open space refers to land on RWA’s strategic sites that will be used as:

  • Public open space, recreation areas or thoroughfares including parks, civic squares, pedestrian and cycle linkages, footpaths, verges and median strips. These areas are generally owned, managed and maintained on behalf of the community by government.
  • Private open space areas that will be publicly accessible through managed access arrangements made with the landowner such as sporting fields, training grounds, tennis or basketball courts. These areas are generally privately owned, managed and maintained.
  • Private open space that will be required to meet the needs of new residents on development sites. These areas are generally in private ownership of individuals and/or body corporate schemes.

Diagram 3.5 (628 Kb PDF) identifies the indicative location of future and existing publicly accessible open space areas within RWA’s strategic sites. As indicated on the diagram these include:

  • the so called ‘Marian Street’ Park, which is currently zoned Special Uses-Railway to be rezoned Public Recreation
  • a new civic space that will link the Town Centre and Redfern Railway Station and potentially provide a focus for activity and enterprise
  • areas within North Eveleigh comprising around 15 percent of the total site, including a substantial section of the Fan of Tracks and the curtilage around the Chief Mechanical Engineers Office building
  • areas within the Australian Technology Park, including tennis courts, playing fields and pedestrian/cycle walkways
  • around 4,500 square metres comprising training and sporting fields at the former Redfern Public School site, which is currently zoned Special Uses-Community and which will be rezoned Private Recreation
  • land located at the Pitt Street frontage of the former Rachel Forster Hospital site, which is currently zoned Special Uses-Hospital.

New development on RWA’s strategic sites will be required to provide private open space in the form of communal areas, courtyards and balconies. The location and proportion of private open space will be determined with more detailed concept, project or development applications to best respond to each site and its characteristics. Guidelines are also being developed to provide criteria for private open space provision based on best practice and adopted standards for other similar infill areas and will include guidance on sunlight access, security and safety.

The treatment of open space will depend on their relative function (example, passive, active, heritage curtilage) and contribution to the environment, intrinsic nature and local context. A preliminary analysis of possible open space treatment has been undertaken for public open space areas on RWA’s strategic sites. While not prescriptive they provide an interpretation of the space and possible outcomes.

Possible treatment for certain public open space on RWA’s strategic sites

• The Civic Space (Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets)

The redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station provides an opportunity to create a civic heart, which reinforces Redfern as the southern gateway to the city and promotes a distinct character for the area.

It is envisaged that the civic space would provide a sense of arrival. It would facilitate people moving through the plaza to or from the Railway Station and also provide a dynamic gathering space to sit, wait and meet.

The plaza is likely to predominantly comprise a paved open space that people not only move through, but which also is viewed from above, placing an emphasis on creating a graphic composition of paving and seating elements such as low walls and benches.

Wind and traffic noise could be ameliorated by a grove of Eucalyptus trees that would define the edge of the civic space and lead pedestrians across Gibbons Street to the Redfern Street thoroughfare. The tree species and location would need to be designed to ensure the highest level of security and surveillance. Lighting the grove could create a unique and memorable night time experience; an opportunity for lighting as an art installation.

Edges of the space could be activated by retail and cafes with awnings providing shelter throughout the seasons.

[see possible landscape treatment from the RWA BEP Page 32]

• The Redfern Street Thoroughfare (Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets)

The Redfern Street thoroughfare is primarily a space that people move through, providing pedestrian connectivity between Redfern and Regent Streets and the Railway Station, visually and physically. Conceptually it is an extension of the Civic Space, and should be designed using similar landscape elements and ground treatments.

It is envisaged that a grove of Eucalyptus trees could draw pedestrians across Gibbons Street and along the thoroughfare. A second grove could mark the termination at Regent Street. The trees would reduce the impact of wind and provide scale and organic form to the space. The tree species and location would need to be designed to ensure the highest level of security and surveillance.

Buildings edging the thoroughfare should be designed to engage with the public space, creating activity and improving safety.

[see possible landscape treatment from the RWA BEP Page 32]

• Little Eveleigh Park (North Eveleigh)

This park provides an important public space, as a major pedestrian connection and ties into the existing pedestrian space adjacent to The Foundry. It also provides a good curtilage to the heritage significant Chief Mechanical Engineers Office building.

It is envisaged that the park could be linked to the ATP and potentially the redeveloped Railway Station via an elevated pedestrian connection. The space has the potential to also facilitate improved connectivity between the Redfern Town Centre and the University of Sydney.

Elements in the treatment of this space could include the introduction of new retaining walls, strengthening the tree cover, use of interpretative heritage elements and lighting.

[see possible landscape treatment from the RWA BEP Page 33]

• Fan of Tracks (North Eveleigh)

The Fan of Tracks could be designed as the primary active public open space for North Eveleigh and its strong existing character provides exciting opportunities to retain and explore the site’s heritage.

Design interventions could provide opportunities to heighten perception and legibility of heritage items, and emphasise and exaggerate existing forms and spatial qualities. It is envisaged that a significant section of the Fan of Tracks will be preserved predominantly as active open space, which is punctuated by the remnant exposed railways tracks, providing subtle level changes across the site.

Areas of planting, turf and hard paving, which follow the geometry of the railways tracks, create a textured ground plane. Informal play elements designed from recycled railway materials should be incorporated into the overall design. Views to the active railway and to the North Eveleigh heritage buildings should be reinforced.

• Traverser 1 (North Eveleigh)

The Traverser, defined by two existing heritage buildings (Paint Shop and Carriage Workshops), has a strong existing character, rhythm and texture and creates a potential pedestrian connection between Wilson Street and the ATP. Its existing qualities will be retained and enhanced to create a contained, linear and dynamic public space.

The proposed viewing platform at the termination of the Traverser at Wilson Street will accentuate its heritage and design qualities. Possible treatment could include a system of ramps, staircases, green elements, lighting and interpretative heritage elements.

• The Public Garden (North Eveleigh)

This refers to a possible linear park, adjacent to a new circulation road on the western section of North Eveleigh and could potentially provide a garden setting for the heritage buildings, and a public space that is domestic in scale.

The overall character of this garden would be dominated by the historic buildings that form its edges, and other railway remnants could be incorporated into the design of elements within the garden such as furniture, fences and lighting. It is envisaged that pedestrian access to the surrounding apartment buildings would also be through the public garden, which will increase activation of this space.

Planting design and other semi permeable screening elements may be used to increase privacy for the residential buildings.

3.4 Infrastructure Strategy

The proposed increases in the residential population and business activity in the area will have an impact on the capacity of existing infrastructure. To ensure adequate infrastructure capacity and servicing in the area more detailed development plans must be prepared and ongoing review of infrastructure undertaken.

Development contributions plan for public amenities and services

A number of strategies will be employed to facilitate the delivery of public amenities and services including public domain improvements and the upgrade of the Redfern Railway Station. These will include: the imposition of development levies linked to value capture from increased development potential; sale of government land with development approval; borrowings; partnerships with State Government agencies; and partnerships with the private sector. A Contributions Plan for public amenities and services will be prepared to complement any plan governing development in the area.


Energy Australia has advised that the general capacity of the electricity network is monitored and reviewed in light of new developments. Developers will be required to pay for connections to the existing network and new substations as required.

RWA will inform Energy Australia of any specific proposals under consideration to maximise the lead time for the installation of infrastructure.


Access to the gas network is easily available to all the RWA’s strategic sites. Agility has indicated that capacity is reviewed on an ongoing basis in light of new developments arising. Agility will provide more detailed comments at the site development design stage. Developers will be required to pay for connections to the existing network.


Telstra has indicated that they will provide additional copper and fibre network capacity and additional fibre network coverage as the needs of the Redfern-Waterloo area increase. For large development sites, such as North Eveleigh, there may be a need to relocate Telstra plants. Developers will be required to pay for connections to the existing network and on-site works. Telstra has advised that they will provide detailed advice at the site development design stage.

Water, wastewater and stormwater

Sydney Water and RWA are working together to examine the water and waste water capacity and infrastructure requirements for the RWA’s strategic sites based on the indicative development yields that may be generated for each site. RWA will work with Sydney Water and the City of Sydney to develop a more holistic approach to water, waste water and stormwater management by exploring water reuse and recycling schemes. This will reduce the potable water demand and more efficiently use this water resource. A water tank is being installed at the Contemporary Performing Arts Centre in North Eveleigh to capture water for irrigating of local parks.

Sydney Water advised that developers are required to obtain a Section 73 Compliance Certificate (Sydney Water Act 1994) as a condition of development consent. This will ensure that developers have complied with all relevant Sydney Water requirements, including appropriate connecting points, correctly sized mains and amplifications, the procurement of trade waste agreements and the payment of developer charges.

Developers will be responsible for costs with regard to connection and augmentation of the water, wastewater and stormwater systems.

3.5 Heritage Strategy

The RWA’s strategic sites contain many buildings and structures that provide evidence of the diverse and significant history and heritage of the area. These buildings and structures also contribute to the physical character of the area and can provide a unique quality to future development. Heritage items on RWA’s strategic sites are identified in the South Sydney Local Environmental Plan and the Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 26 City West (SREP No. 26). The State Heritage Register identifies the Eveleigh Railway Workshops as an item of state significance.

The Heritage Strategy is based on:

  • The identification on a map of heritage items in the SEPP (Major Projects) for RWA’s strategic sites. The heritage map in the SEPP (Major Projects) will list relevant items that are identified in the South Sydney Local Environmental Plan and the Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 26 City West, as well as additional items. Diagram 3.6 (640 Kb PDF) Items of Heritage and Buildings of Historical Interest identifies the heritage items. Table 3.2 provides a summary of proposed heritage items.
  • The introduction of a heritage clause in the SEPP (Major Projects) that will relate to development under Part 4 of the EP&A Act. Under the SEPP (Major Projects) a person may not demolish, dismantle or alter heritage items identified, except with the approval of the consent authority. The clause also provides that the consent authority must take into consideration the heritage impact of carrying out of the proposed development and may decline to grant development consent until consideration of a Statement of Heritage Impact.
  • The review of existing Conservation Management Plans and heritage inventories for items on RWA’s strategic sites to determine the value of any items and to provide for appropriate development controls. In some cases, Conservation Management Plans and/or Heritage Impact Statements will need to be prepared with Development Applications to identify existing significant heritage items to be retained and appropriate management of heritage items. Where any item needs to be removed, an archival record will be prepared in accordance with the NSW Heritage guidelines.
  • Ensuring that in cases where the proposed maximum height on a heritage item exceeds that of any listed heritage item, any additional height shown is contingent upon detailed heritage studies and compliance with SEPP (Major Projects).
  • Adaptive reuse of heritage items as far as practicable.

Table 3.2 Items of Heritage and Buildings of Historical Interest

Items of Heritage

South Sydney Local Environmental Plan

  • Former Local Court House building
  • Former Rachel Forster Hospital – Five storey surgery building and part of two storey colonnade building
  • Former Redfern Public School-Two buildings on George and Phillip Streets

Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 26

  • Locomotive Workshop (ATP)
  • New Locomotive Workshop (ATP)
  • Works Managers’ Office (ATP)
  • Chief Mechanical Engineers Office Building (North Eveleigh)
  • Large Erecting Shop (South Eveleigh)
  • Redfern Station Booking Office (Lawson Street)

Proposed Additional Heritage Items

  • Carriage Workshops (North Eveleigh)
  • Blacksmiths’ Shop (North Eveleigh)
  • Telecommunications Equipment Centre (North Eveleigh)
  • Scientific Services Building No.1 (North Eveleigh)
  • Paint Shop (North Eveleigh)

Buildings of Historical Interest

  • Clothing Store (North Eveleigh)
  • Timber Shed Extension pre 1911 (North Eveleigh)

3.6 Transport Strategy

Changing Redfern-Waterloo from simply being an interchange locality that funnels people to other areas in Sydney, to an area that is a key destination for workers, visitors and residents, requires reconfiguration of transport provision and servicing to the area. This shift is about providing better access to Redfern-Waterloo and ensuring people can access activities and places within the area safely and easily.

RWA has engaged a traffic and transport consultant to provide technical advice on the provision of transport to the area, as well as proposing strategies to manage new development on the strategic sites, without compromising the existing amenity of the area. This information will be used as a basis to develop a more comprehensive Transport Management Plan which will be undertaken in partnership with key stakeholders.

The key transport initiatives are outlined below.

Public Transport

• Redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station

As discussed in Section 2, upgrading Redfern Railway Station is central to the revitalisation of the area. Upgrading will enable the Station to better cater for the proposed increased residential and worker population; improve entry and connections to the area, provide disabled access; provide for better rail to rail interchange; improve the attraction of rail travel; and improve the physical amenity of the Station. A key aspect of the upgrade is to ensure that the Station is better integrated with the surrounding land uses and to improve the public domain around the Station area.

These changes in turn will make the area more accessible and attract businesses to the area.

In addition to upgrading the Redfern Railway Station, the land adjoining the Railway Station and Gibbons Street will be redeveloped for residential and business activities. Retail and other active uses at street level will create safer and more vibrant public spaces around the Station.

The RWA and RailCorp have engaged a consultant to assist in developing a preferred concept design option for the redevelopment of the Redfern Railway Station. These options are anticipated to be presented to the community in late 2006.

• Improved connections to bus services

Due to the high regional connectivity provided by the bus services in Redfern and the significant rail to bus interchange that occurs during weekday morning and afternoon peaks, it is important to enhance the visual and physical connection between the Railway Station entrance/exit, the proposed civic space and well used bus stops on Regent and Lawson Streets. The RWA will ensure that any development proposed for this area considers these important connections to facilitate ease of access to other forms of transport and will work with the Ministry of Transport and the State Transit Authority to address these issues.

• Improved community transport provision

The RWA will work with community transport providers,

the Ministry of Transport and key stakeholders to improve transport for frail older people, people with disabilities and people who are public transport disadvantaged.

Roads and Traffic Management

• Management of traffic generated from new development

RWA has undertaken a preliminary analysis of traffic impacts associated with the development of the RWA’s strategic sites, namely North Eveleigh and the Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets sites. The preliminary analysis was used to estimate the trip generation rates for the developments and the trip assignment of the generated trips to the surrounding road network. The analysis was performed for the morning and afternoon peak hours. Traffic from the Australian Technology Park was also included.

For commercial development a traffic generation rate of 0.75 trips per 100 square metres of development was used.

This is based on a mode split of 30 percent for car driver and passenger, due to the proximity to good public transport (both rail and bus) and the CBD, and a high vehicle occupancy rate as observed in the inner city area. A rate of 4 employees per 100 square metres gross floor area was also applied. For residential a trip generation rate of 0.24 trips per residential unit per peak was adopted. Based on the land use and planning controls the number of trips likely to be generated from North Eveleigh and the Redfern Station, Gibbons and Regents Streets sites was estimated to be 1,560 vehicle trips per peak period (when development is completed).

The intersection modelling software, SIDRA, was used to analyse eight key intersections for pre-development and post development conditions. The intersections analysed were Wilson and Forbes Streets; Wilson and Golden Grove Streets; Wilson and Ivy Streets; Abercrombie and Shepherd Streets; Abercrombie and Lawson Streets; Lawson and Gibbons Streets; Lawson and Regent Streets; and Cleveland and Shepherd Streets.

The intersection analysis results for the existing condition show that the intersections are currently operating at a level of service of B (good with acceptable delays and spare capacity) or better, during the morning and afternoon peak periods.

The intersection analysis results for post-development condition showed that three intersections, Abercrombie and Shepherd Streets, Abercrombie and Lawson Streets, and Cleveland and Shepherd Streets can be managed to operate at a satisfactory level of service during peak hours with modification of traffic light cycle times and minor changes to the intersections. All other intersections would continue to operate at a good and acceptable level of service post development.

As a result the RWA will be seeking to achieve these peak hour traffic results by:

  • Proposing for business a mode target of 60 percent for non car use journey to work trips in general, with a 70 percent non car use journey to work trips for sites close to Redfern Railway Station. This would be achieved by improvements to public transport, namely the upgrade to Redfern Railway Station and improved bus services.
  • Implementing a car parking policy for RWA’s strategic sites, to be incorporated into a Development Control Plan.
  • Ensuring with the assistance of the City of Sydney that any car parking on surrounding streets is managed appropriately.

These preliminary results will provide a basis to undertake more detailed traffic analysis, which will then be incorporated into a Transport Management Plan. The Transport Management Plan will be developed in partnership with the RTA, Ministry for Transport, City of Sydney, RailCorp and the Redfern Chamber of Commerce.

Further traffic analysis will be undertaken by modifying the RTA’s existing sub regional traffic model. There are some broader regional and metropolitan traffic issues that impact on the area, which will take some time to plan and implement.

• Improved traffic operations on Regent and Gibbons Streets

Regional traffic through Redfern is having a negative impact on pedestrian amenity and the operation of businesses along Regent and Gibbons Streets. This impact will continue to worsen due to foreshadowed increases in vehicular and truck movements from the Airport and Port Botany. The RWA and RTA will work together to look at options on improving the pedestrian amenity and movement along these roads. To improve pedestrian amenity RWA will be investigating options for an underpass at Gibbons Street. Any solution will however need to take account of broader metropolitan and regional traffic issues and address any associated congestion issues.

The RTA has recently lifted the clearway along the western side of Regent Street allowing for increased on-street parking and improved access to businesses. A number of local traffic management initiatives such as improved phasing at intersections may be introduced in the short term to improve pedestrian movements across Gibbons and Regent Streets.

These actions would help to revitalise the Regent Street retail strip by providing an improved environment for pedestrians and additional on-street parking spaces.

Cycling and Pedestrian

• Encourage safe and easy cycling in the area

There are a number of off-road cycle routes through the Redfern-Waterloo area. The RWA and City of Sydney will work in partnership to ensure that existing cycle routes are enhanced, including providing bicycle routes to RWA’s strategic sites and to key destinations. The provision of bicycle facilities/storage will be encouraged in new developments and at Redfern Railway Station.

• Improved connection between ATP and North Eveleigh

The rail corridor physically disconnects the northern and southern parts of Redfern-Waterloo and limits access to key destinations such as ATP, the University of Sydney and other health and educational facilities.

Pedestrian and cycle links are proposed to connect the northern and southern part of Redfern-Waterloo. A link will be considered as part of the overall concept design study for the Redfern Railway Station upgrade and may be integrated as an unpaid access through the Redfern Station area.

The RWA has committed $6 million for the construction of a pedestrian and cycle bridge between North Eveleigh and ATP.

In addition, to overcome the disconnection RWA will also undertake a design and feasibility study for a vehicle link between North Eveleigh and the Australian Technology Park to provide a direct north-south connection between the sites.

3.7 Ecologically Sustainable Development Strategy

Development on RWA’s strategic sites will be required to contribute to the implementation of an Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Strategy. The ESD Strategy is based on

the achievement of the following initiatives:

  • Energy efficiency, conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas.
  • Applying passive design principles in the orientation and design of development to minimise the need for mechanical heating and cooling and artifi cial lighting. This includes selecting materials with appropriate thermal mass, use of insulation, provision of shading devices, installation of skylights and other approaches that achieve this principle.
  • Water conservation and grey water reuse.
  • Efficient waste management, including minimisation and recycling in the demolition, construction and operational phases of development.
  • Reduced car dependence; promoting public transport use, cycling and walking through improved access to public transport; minimising car parking provision and providing facilities for cyclists.
  • Compliance with BASIX for residential development and SEDA Building Greenhouse Ratings for non-residential buildings.

Future development proposals for new buildings or major alterations and additions to new buildings will need to be supported by a report prepared by a qualified environmental energy consultant, which demonstrates achievement of ESD requirements.

More detailed controls and guidelines regarding sustainability will be formulated and incorporated into the plans and policies that will be developed subsequent to this Plan.