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“Lift Redfern” Station Campaign

A campaign to get lifts installed at Redfern Station is being supported by a wide range of organisations including business, the arts, the Aboriginal community, community services, resident groups and local political party branches reports Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of February 2012.

A key part of the “Lift Redfern” campaign is to get the appalling access at Redfern Station debated in the NSW Parliament and for the Legislative Assembly to call upon the “Minister of Transport to take immediate action to install lifts to Redfern Station platforms”. The Premier put in place a procedure where a 10,000 signature petition would generate a Parliamentary debate.

A 2003 community forum was told that unless the Government intervened Redfern Station would not be upgraded until 2011. Both 2011 and Government interventions have come and gone and the 20 year old promise that access would be addressed by a station upgrade could still be another 20 years away when lifts are needed now.

“Lift Redfern” is collecting stories about how the lack of access impacts on a wide spectrum of the community. So share your stories, show your support by getting as many signatures as you can and supporting other initiatives. More information is on the “Lift Redfern” tab on

Source: South Sydney Herald February 2012