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Combined Chippendale Community Groups Update - 1st September 2008

Last Thursday community representatives met with Frank Sartor, the Minister for Planning about the proposed changes to the Concept Plan.
Welcome to the many new readers who have joined our community email news database this week.

For new readers - the changes proposed by the new owner, Frasers Property, substantially increase the bulk and scale, to that previously approved.  The bulk and massing proposed, will be some of the City's largest; up to 120m on Broadway (say 40 floors) and up to 62 metres on Abercrombie Street is proposed .
The increased density has come as a complete shock to locals particularly given Frasers have been expounding their “green” credentials.  We estimate the “changes”, will add another $150 - $200 in profit for Frasers.
The plans are now on public exhibition on the Department of Planning’s website - visit 
Whilst the exhibition period officially closes today, the Minister has informally EXTENDED the submission period by another good week, giving locals more time to respond.  
Remember - community support is needed to reduce the density and massing as well as improve the traffic and open space outcomes.   
You can help by sending your comments to - plan_comment@planning.nsw.gov.au
In summary, the Minister gave us a good hearing and we are hopeful the meeting will facilitate some positive changes.   
We took along to the meeting the attached image (Frasers' photomontage) which highlights how massive the bulk and scale will be.  In short it set the tone for the meeting. 
In particular the Minister appeared sympathetic to concerns about the bulk and scale of the building(s) along Abercrombie Street, describing it as a “blob”.
The Minister promised further dialogue and suggested he facilitate a meeting between Frasers, the “Expert Design Panel” and the community representatives ASAP.
The main issues include:
  • The increased density, from the previous scheme, ie from 235,000 GFA to 257,000 GFA. We urged the Minister to reject the increased density Frasers want.  At 235,000 GFA, the amount of density and bulk under the current Concept Plan was highly controversial.   At 257,000 GFA it’s insane.
  • Increased Overshadowing - Has substantially increased offsite as well as onsite. The increased height now detrimentally impacts properties in Abercrombie, Queen, Wellington, Goold, Regent, Dick, O’Connor and other streets. The overshadowing has also increased over the Main Park, which is substantially in shadow for a large part of the year.  This is unfair and totally unreasonable and at “odds” with Frasers PR campaign about their environmental initiatives.  Sunlight and access to light is a fundamental and essential necessity to a community’s well being; not only for local residents and workers today, but also for future generations. Past planning mistakes in the City, have shown what happens - when there is little sunlight or open space and wind swept streets.  Chippendale is not the CBD - it is a low scale heritage village which needs appropriate planning and a sensitive interface with the site. Locals had anticipated improvements, not increased overshadowing after Frasers "consultation" with the community.
  • Reduce the Bulk and Scale of the massive “L” shaped building running up Abercrombie Street onto Broadway . The proposed plans result in a massive street wall running up Abercrombie Street (62 metres high, say nearly 20 floors if residential or 16 floors if commercial). On top of this, are plans to extend the building further, with roof top feature which is likely to add another 2 - 3 floors in height.   To put this into perspective, the building floor plates are so massive, they will be Sydney's largest.  We understand a commercial tenant has been secured who is likely to operate 24/7. 
  • Reduce the building heights along Kensington and Wellington Streets. Unless reduced, local properties will be now be substantially overshadowed.
  • Open Space Has been significantly changed with a large amount now proposed to be privately held.  This includes the new “plaza” near the “heritage square”.  This will lead to an enclave mentality, with no guarantee for public access in the long term.
  • Road Ownership Must be publicly held; not privatized as proposed by Frasers.
  • Better Site Access and Design The proposed changes result in a scheme which is more like an “island” and does not guarantee public access.
  • Amount of Parking and its Management. More than 2,000 spots are proposed. The number of spots and the proposed way in which parking will be managed, substantially increase traffic 24/7.
  • The $2.5 million promised for Community facilities in Chippendale. The wording in the agreements between the City of Sydney and developer is proposed to be changed. This will allow funding promised to Chippendale to be used elsewhere.  These funds must remain in Chippendale; afterall the Government is already taking nearly $35M in developer levies for use outside Chippendale.
  • The impact on O’Connor Street  From the traffic and the road redesign.  This needs to be resolved.
We urge you to speak out by emailing the Dept of Planning ASAP.
Remember to quote - Concept Plan Modification - Former CUB Site, Broadway (MP 06_0171 MOD)
A media campaign is planned to follow shortly.  We already have some good contacts; however if you can help with this, please let us know.
In the mean time, many thanks to those, who have been able to help so far.

To better understand what is proposed - CCCG attached a copy of the photomontage of Broadway/Chippendale, orginally prepared by the Developers Consultant. You can get a copy by emailing communityworkingparty@yahoo.com.au - CCCG think this says it all!

This message is circulated by the Coalition Chippendale Community Groups (includes Chippendale Residents Interest Group and East Chippendale Community Group).  Like more information or get involved in our Committee, please contact us via this emial address.