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Concept Plan Exhibition

On 26th October 2006 the Minister of Planning placed on Exhibition the Proponents plans for the development of the Carlton United Brewery Site. These documents deal with this phase of the development.
CUB Project - Broadway Sydney - Concept plan Exhibition
Foster's have provided a separate website to display the documents to be displayed for the Concept Plan exhibition. The link to the site is provided below:
Coalition Chippendale Community Groups initial response to Exhibition
The email below was sent by the Coalition Chippendale Community Groups to alert people to the Exhibition of the Concept Plan for the CUB site. on 30th October 2006.
CCCG Overview of Foster's Concept Plan
The Coalition Chippendale Community Groups have prepared a short file, to give you an overall visual understanding of what the bulk and scale and street plan for the CUB site proposal will look like. File is Powerpoint 2.8 MB.
An urgent CUB Update from CCCG – Submissions can be emailed
The following information has been supplied by the Coalition Chippendale Community Groups on 22 November 2006 regarding submissions for the CUB site.
Letter on CUB Site from CCCG to City of Sydney Council
This is a copy of a letter from Combined Chippendale Community Groups to City of Sydney Council confirming a one week extension for submissions and also setting out key areas of concern that CCCG wish the Council to take up with the CUB site owners. CCCG have advised that point 1 in this letter has been discovered to be incorrect. Contrary to media reports, the proposed Gross FSR will be 4.36 and not the 4.23:1 reported. This is just under the 4.4:1 the brief for the design competition proposed which was subsequently rejected by the panel as being excessive. File is MS Word 186 Kb.
CUB Site mayoral Minute 20 November 2006
This is a copy of the Mayoral Minute from Clover Moore setyting out concerns about the CUB Concept Pan to a meeting of Council. The File is PDF 21 Kb. The document can also be downloaded from the council website at http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/Council/documents/meetings/2006/Council/201106/061120_COUNCIL_ITEM03.1.pdf
City of Sydney CUB Concept Plan Submission
This is a copy of the City of Sydney Council submission on the CUB site concept plan (2.3Mb PDF). The council also has made recommendations concerning CUB's request for Owners consent to incorporate some council property in the development. This submission was tablede as part of the docvuments associated with this discusion. Other documents can be seen in item 6 of the Finance Properties and Tenders Committee of 4 December at http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/Council/MeetingsAndCommittees/2006/Committees/041206/finance.asp
Combined Chippendale Community Groups Submission on the CUB Site Concept Plan
This is a copy of the CCCG submission on the CUB Site Concept Plan. MS Word 344Kb. Attachments referred to are available as separate files.
CCCG Submission Appendix A
This is appendix A to the CCCG submission to the CUB Site Concept Plan Submission. File is MS Word 85Kb.
Pollution Readings for Chippendale
The is an appendix to the CCCG submission to the CUB Site Concept Plan Submission contained as an appendix a printout of National Pollutant Inventory Emission Report for Postcode 2008 for the years 2003-4 when the brewery was still operational. The link to this data in the database is provided below.
Parkway Concept Discussion Paper
This is an appendix to the CCCG submission to the CUB Site Concept Plan Submission. File is 4.9MB PowerPoint.
CUB Site Concept Plan Shadow Diagrams
This is an appendix to the CCCG submission to the CUB Site Concept Plan Submission. File is 6.7MB PDF.
REDWatch Submission on CUB Concept Plan
REDWatch made a breif submission on the CUB Concept Plan which was on exhibition until December 1 2006. The Text of the REDWatch submission is below.
Carlton United Brewery Site Update from CCCGs 25th December 2006
The following update on the Carlton United Brewery Site was issued by the Combined Chippendale community Groups on 25th December 2006.
Carlton United Brewery Site Update from CCCGs 25th January 2007
As you are aware, the exhibition period for the proposed Concept Plan recently closed. In short, the draft Plan effectively allows up to 10 high rise towers, up to 40 storeys high crammed onto the site, and triples the local residential/working population.
CUB Approval Documents
The Department of Planning have posted the Approval Documents for the CUB Concept Plan on the Department’s website.