Proposal title: Concept Plan Modification -
Former CUB Site, Broadway (MP 06_0171 MOD)
Description: Pursuant to section 75W of the
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 the proponent proposes to
modify the Concept Plan approved by the Minister for Planning for the following:
- an additional 22,000m2 of GFA (resulting a total of 257,000m2 for the entire
- extending the site boundaries to include two new buildings in Kensington
Street (Nos 18-20 and 42-44 Kensington Street)
- varying the mix of land uses across the site to achieve a mix of 50%
non-residential (minimum of 30%) and 50% residential uses
- redistribution of the built form by lowering heights and reducing mass of
buildings along southern boundary and increasing the size of the commercial
buildings fronting Broadway
- amended central public domain area and park
- a maximum of 2000 car parking spaces (reduced from 2440)
- amendments to the Voluntary Planning Agreements
Location: The project area comprises the
former Carlton United Breweries Site, Chippendale
Local government area: City of Sydney
Exhibition locations:
- Department of
Planning, Information Centre, ground floor, Lands Building, 23-33 Bridge Street,
- City of Sydney Council, Town Hall House, 465 Kent Street,
- UTS City Campus Foyer, Building 1, 15 Broadway, Ultimo
Approval authority: Minister for Planning
Relevant legislation: Part 3A of the
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Submission to: The Director, Urban
Assessments, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
Start date: 30 July 2008
Closing date: 1 September 2008
REDWatch Note:
The Major projects page at the Department of planning changes almost daily
as new documents are added and it is very difficult for people to keep track of
the changes. We check the site periodically and will update this page as we
become aware of any changes but to be sure you have the latest documents you
should check the various sites for any new information.
This page is put together to help you find Major Project proposals
concerning this area. New Applications and the Director Generals Requirements
(DGRs) for the project will show up on Register of
major projects - Metropolitan Area. When the application is received
from the developer in line with the DGR’s and is ready for public exhibition
the listing moves to Major projects part 3A - On Exhibition.
After the Minister has made a determination on the project the documents move
to the Notices of Determination
section of the Department of Planning’s website and then into the Archive of