Decision of the Central Sydney Planning Committee - 7 June 2006

On Wednesday 7 June 2006 a special meeting of the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) was held to discuss CUB site and the Minister's letter. Below are the details of the resolution and the voting:

Moved by Mr  Neil Bird, seconded by Ms  Petula Samios -

It is resolved that:-

(A)         the subject report be received and noted;

(B)        the Central Sydney Planning Committee reconfirm the CSPC resolution of 8 December 2005 which endorsed the draft planning controls (which limits the FSR to 4 to 1) , and advise the Minister for Planning accordingly;

(C)        the CSPC note that the Voluntary Planning Agreement was nearing agreement after extensive negotiations, and on the understanding that a separate agreement regarding the provision of an affordable housing contribution may be entered into with the Redfern Waterloo Authority; and

(D)        as the matters raised in the Minister?s letter to the Lord Mayor of 25 May 2006 regarding inclusion of affordable housing provisions and potential for increases in FSR cannot be resolved, the CSPC request the Minister to use the powers under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 to deal with this development.

Parts (A), (B) and (C) were endorsed unanimously and part (D) was split 4 to 3 - with the four State Government members defeating the three Council representatives. 

Lord Mayor Clover Moore and Councillors John McInerney and Shayne Mallard voted to request the Minister retract his letter and let the CSPC and the City get on with its job - this was defeated by the four Government appointed members - Peter Mould, Neil Bird, Petula Samios and Antoinette le Marchant.

The CSPC (including Peter Mould the Government Architect) endorsed its position for an FSR range from 3.5 to 1 up to 4 to 1 (4 to 1 being the extreme upper limit) in line with the independent expert (Lawrence Neild from Bligh Vother Neild).