Frasers Broadway - CCCG Update 17 March 2008
Recently representatives from the
local community were invited to a Briefing about the CUB site by Frasers
Managing Director, Dr Stanley Quek.
This included an
invitation extended to Matthew Drake-Brockman, who initiated the Court action
against the former site owners Fosters and the Minister for Planning, Frank
Sartor, in relation to planning controls for the former CUB
Whilst the action was
unsuccessful, it drew significant and timely public support for better
environmental and sustainability outcomes.
Since then, the new site
owners, Frasers, have demonstrated their desire to achieve a 6 star
environmental outcome across the site as well as improved community
In response, we have been
urging Frasers to revise the previously approved Concept Plan, to achieve a
better planning outcome.
For readers not familiar
with a Concept Plan; a concept plan is similar to a “master plan”. This sets
out massing (building), height, open space, street grids, land use and heritage.
The current plan allows multiple high-rise towers many of which overshadow the
site, with inadequate green space and poor planning outcomes.
Frasers have since
indicated their desire to listen and where possible address concerns important
to the community. This has included active community participation in workshops
and continuing engagement and consultation.
More recently, 4
world-class architectural firms were invited to consider the site’s planning and
design - internationally recognised architectural firms - Foster + Partners from
the UK and Jean Nouvel from Paris as well as local architects, Richard Johnson
who this week was awarded the Royal Australian Institute of Architects Gold
Medal and Tzannes, who are responsible for the heritage precinct. The
appointment of these firms is an exciting development.
From a local perspective
we were keen to see a major revision of the Concept Plan, to reduce the
environmental and urban footprint and improve the sites integration with
historic Chippendale.
At the Briefing, we were
pleased to see the Concept Plan back on the agenda. Still in draft form, the
revisions looked exciting and address many key concerns.
Whilst there are still
two stumbling blocks, ie the amount of density (gross floor space) and the lack
of affordable housing, we were pleased to see a revised street layout and
changes to the massing and location of buildings. This has allowed for a major
increase in green space as well as some wonderful planning initiatives
- Exciting plans for Kensington Street , making it into an innovative and attractive local precinct for Chippendale
- The inclusion of an iconic building on the site’s north east corner - opening to tiered green platforms and public parklands from the site’s northern edge to O’Connell Street... perhaps soon to be known as Chippendale Green…
- Reduction in on-site parking with the opportunity for incoming residents to “sell back” their car parking when no longer required (as patterns in car use change)
- Environmental initiatives - including the introduction of a tri-generation grid, likely to make the site nearly self sufficient
- Reduction in roadways and vehicle access creating more green space
- Changes in massing - allowing for green parklands along the length of Wellington Street and around the heritage precinct
- Change in land use to 50% commercial/residential - allowing for bigger floor plates and improved sun access
- The
provision of pedestrian and cycle ways
One of the obstacles
Frasers face is a State Government “levy” on the site’s redevelopment. This
results in over $30M being earmarked to the Redfern Waterloo Authority,
impacting the inclusion of affordable housing on the site.
Here, we believe the State
Government is well positioned to make a difference - by showing leadership to
ensure affordable housing is part of this development.
We understand the revised
Concept Plan may undergo further revision, prior to being lodged to the
Department of Planning. The plan will then be publicly exhibited, at which time
we are hopeful Frasers will make a community presentation.
We are hopeful further
debate will result in a reduction in density (massing) to improve the site’s
integration with Chippendale as well the provision of public housing.
Indeed some of the design
concepts - if achieved will be a very exciting first for Sydney . We urge you to
keep abreast of these developments.
There is much to
congratulate Frasers on at this time. To achieve a world-class outcome, we will
continue to encourage Frasers to improve planning and design options by looking
at ways to reduce the site’s density, as well as the inclusion of affordable
We will also ask Frasers
to look further at the traffic planning, to minimise traffic and the potential
for local rat-runs by further developing opportunities for pedestrian and cycle
In the interim, Frasers
are continuing to progress a number of Development Applications (eg Demolition
works) via the Department of Planning. For more information about these - please
access Major Projects on the Departments' website - or alternately you
can access the Das, via a link from Frasers website - FYI, we
have raised concerns about:
- the number of truck movements (over a very lengthy period of time)
- access from Abercrombie Street to the site
- potential noise and demolition concerns
- the proposed construction hours on weekends - till late Saturday afternoon
- and requested Frasers extend their notification area further south to Cleveland Street.