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CUB Site Breifing Paper by CCCGs for Community Meeting

Members of Coalition Chippendale Community Groups have been invited as panel members on the Stakeholder Reference Panel for the CUB site. Two meetings are scheduled with the first meeting on Tuesday 8 August 2006. CCCG's are looking for feedback on the issues that are important to you so they can be flaged as part of the process. The file is some notes off a flyer issued at the August 2 community meeting. On the rear are some issues highlighted, which you may have concerns about. Responses are need by Monday 7 August Evening. Panel member included locals and representatives from some of the education institutions locally as well commercial interests and government authorities but Department of planning are not happy for privacy reasons to make the names public. File is MS Word 268Kb.

CUB SITE - BRIEFING AND ISSUES - 040806.doc — Microsoft Word Document, 268 kB (274432 bytes)