Paint Shop Sub-Precinct Rezoning Proposal
The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) placed the rezoning proposal for the Paint Shop Sub-Precinct of Redfern North Eveleigh on exhibition from 26 July to 25 August 2022. This section of the website covers this exhibition.
- Minister's media release on Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning until 25 August
- This is the text of Minister Stoke's media release regarding the rezoning of the Paint Shop Precinct of Redfern North Eveleigh of 26 July 2022. Links to related sites about the site and the exhibition have been added to the foot of this post.
- Artist Impression of Paint Shop Precinct from Video Fly Through
- This Image shows what might be possible under the proposed rezoning between the Paint Shop and Redfern Station. This is a planning proposal so the images are indicative of what might be possible under the planning proposal being publicly exhibited.
- Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop FAQs.
- This is the Frequently asked Questions prepared by TfNSW prior to the exhibition which try's to pre-empt the questions people might ask. For example it asks Q: Will there be a second bridge from North to South Eveleigh? A: While not part of the scope for the rezoning proposal, this has been considered when developing the masterplan. The design has ensured that any potential future pedestrian connection could be integrated within the proposed rezoning proposal. Which sort of begs the question as to why it is not in the plan. A clear area for people to push for. File is PDF 825Kb.
- This is a copy of the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct Renewal Newsletter about The Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning
- This newsletter of 26th July 2022 has been produced to provide basic information to the community and will be letter boxed around the area.
- Outline of the Paint Shop Precinct Masterplan
- This outline can be found in the Transport for NSW newsletter. It gives an overview of what is being proposed for the site under the masterplan reflected in the rezoning planning proposal on exhibition until 25 August 2022.
- A Quick REDWatch Guide to the North Eveleigh Consultation
- This is REDWatch's Guide to the Exhibition consultation and and the documents. It is based on our email to our distribution lists and includes an additional section at the end matching up the proposal's studies to the Appendix of the main Planning Report.
- The Paint Shop Precinct Proposed Floor Space Ratio (FSR) Map
- This is an interesting map because it allocates 2.78 times the area across the entire site rather than to the proposed buildings. So the roads, walkways and public spaces all have the allocated FSR. The proposal uses a lower level planning document, the design guide, to say where that floor space should go rather than allocate it building by building. This provides great flexibility for the developer, lack of certainty for the community and probably a higher price for the Transit Asset Management Entity (TAME) selling the site. Map Source: Explanation of Intended Effect page 9.
- The Paint Shop Precinct Proposed Land Use Map
- Probably because of the decision to place FSR across the entire site the whole of the site is zoned as mixed use in the land use map. As a consequence the 20+% of the site that are public areas are not protected as recreational zones, which makes it possible to change controls later without having to ask for a land use change. REDWatch is of the view that all public space should be protected by appropriate zoning, Map Source: Explanation of Intended Effect page 7
- The Proposed Paint Shop Precinct Height of Buildings Map
- This is the map that defines the possible building envelopes and the area within which the maximum heights might be used. The reference scheme used in the graphics is just one of many possible options possible under the controls. The developers can move that height anywhere within the height controls. How much floor space is in the building, ie if it is thin or fat, is constrained only by the guide rather than an allocation in the LEP. Explanation of Intended Effect page 8.
- The Proposed Paint Shop Precinct Heritage Map
- This is the same as the existing map. When compared to the height map it shows that all heritage buildings except the Paint Shop are to stay at existing heights and are protected. The proposal for the paint shop shows that an up to 63.6 m building can be placed anywhere above the paint shop, how much of the paint shop is covered by a building and how much floor space can go there is again defined only by the guide and a future design excellence process that could change the guide. It is important to note that some visuals on display, such as parts of the aerial fly through do not show the proposed building above the paint shop. Map Source Explanation of Intended Effect page 10.
- Paint Shop Precinct – what the LEP maps tell us
- When looking at a planning proposal like North Eveleigh, it is useful to start at the proposed planning controls. This is the place the developer starts in working out what they can do within the rules or where bending them might be possible and hence what they might pay for the site. Below REDWatch has extracted the four maps proposed for the Sydney Local Environment Plan (LEP) and provided some comments.
- Heritage Significance of Paint Shop Precinct Buildings
- This is a 14 page extract from the Paint Shop Precinct Heritage Interpretation Strategy detailing the significance of each of the buildings and places impacted by the proposed Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct master plan. While many buildings are not greatly impacted by the proposal, The Paint Shop (c1888) and the Paint Shop Extension / Former Suburban Car workshops (1912) are two buildings that will be highly impacted. The Paint Shop by a proposed 4 storey building through and on top of it and the Extension by a part of it being demolished to make place for a new building fronting Wilson Street. How the development impacts heritage is a major issue to be considered in submissions.
- Image of impact of master plan on Paint Shop (1888) & Extension / Suburban Car workshops (1912)
- This image is extracted from an Aerial render of the proposed master plan on exhibition in August 2022. The image shows both the proposed building through the Paint Shop (which under the proposal can be anywhere over the building) as well as the replacement of part of the Paint Shop extension by a building onto Wilson Street and a battle-axe representation of the heritage Former Suburban Car Workshops building. To understand the importance of these buildings and what of heritage importance is impacted see the Heritage Significance summary for the Heritage Interpretation Strategy which REDWatch has extracted at
- Image of the Building Proposed over the Paint Shop from the Master Plan fly through
- This image is a still from the flythrough showing the proposed building within and above the paint shop. This building could, under the proposed controls, be anywhere through and above the heritage Paint Shop building. This impacts both the visual appearance of the Paint Shop, but also its important heritage underground works and the natural light and ventilation of the Paint Shop. For information about the heritage importance and features of the Paint Shop see the Heritage Significance summary in the Heritage Interpretation Strategy. REDWatch has extracted this section at at
- Heritage Impacts of Masterplan on Paint Shop and Extension
- In this section of the site we have provided the details on the heritage significance of the two heritage buildings mostly impacted by the North Eveleigh Planning Proposal. These details are taken from the heritage significance section of the Heritage Interpretation Strategy for the project. We have also used two images from the exhibition materials to show how the proposal impacts on these two important heritage buildings.
- Questions about the indicative staging strategy for North Eveleigh
- How you deliver a project is as important as what is delivered, so locals might want to comment on the indicative staging strategy for the Paint Shop Sub-Precinct which is part of the Urban Design Report - this is the 3 page PDF extract. Stage 1 is the CME and Science Services building via Little Eveleigh; Stage 2 is the new buildings to the east of the Carriageworks viewing platform and removing parts of the Paint Shop extension past Carriageworks; Stage 3 is the eastern end of the site via Little Eveleigh Street; Only at Stage 4 to build the Paint Shop precinct does the new road get built with main additional access past Carriageworks; Stage 5 builds the remaining tower with access through the new Shepherd Street entrance.
- North Eveleigh Paint Shop Sub Precinct – some ideas to consider in responding
- Bruce Lay is a Architecture graduate with an interest in heritage that lives opposite the North Eveleigh site. Below are some issues that he things people should consider in making their submission. REDWatch would welcome suggestions from others who wish to share their expertise with the community.
- Transport response to Questions at REDWatch RNE briefing
- This document has been supplied by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in response to questions raised at the REDWatch meeting. Transport for NSW has advised they are unable to have a suitably qualified representative attend the Community Meeting on 13 August 2022, to be on a panel and to answer questions.
- Paint Shop precinct presentation to REDWatch public meeting 13 August 2022
- This is the presentation delivered by REDWatch to the 13 August 2022 public meeting identifying some of the key concerns about the proposed rezoning. We hope it helps people in the preparation of their own submissions by 25 August 2022 when the exhibition closes.
- REDWatch Guide to Submissions for Paint Shop Precinct
- This is REDWatch's initial guide to Submissions which we are putting out prior to the 13 August Public Meeting to encourage questions and discussion. We will revide this after the input from the public meeting.
- Clover Moore Letter on Redfern / North Eveleigh
- Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, has written to residents regarding the Paint Shop Precinct exhibition. The letter recognises community concerns shared by Council. The letter also lists some concerns with the proposal and provides some details on the City's alterative proposal and encourages people to make a submission. The letter might not make it into letter boxes until after the weekend so REDWatch is posting it so that it gets out to people we have contact with ASAP.
- REDWatch email to City of Sydney Councillors
- Below is the text of an email sent to City of Sydney Councillors and key staff with suggestions on how Council might be able to assist the community around the Paint Shop Precinct and potential sale.
- Paint Shop Precinct Heritage Interpretation -
- These notes on the Heritage Interpretation for the Paint Shop Sub Precinct have been prepared by Roger Jowett from the RTBU Retired Members Association. They have been prepared to promote debate and discussion about the Heritage in an area which is often neglected. It might provide some ideas for areas you might want to cover in your own submission.
- Submission from a resident of 501 Wilson St on North Eveleigh Paint Shop Proposal
- The following submission was prepared by a resident in 501 Wilson Street - the block of units that will be surrounded on three sides by the proposed Paint Shop Precinct development. It focuses on issues impacting that building as well as issues across the proposed development. Please note the disclaimer at the beginning. REDWatch is posting this so that others can access this submission and access some of the issues raised in the submission.
- Save North Eveleigh - 2 Page Summary
- This two page summary of the Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct has been prepared by the Save North Eveleigh Group. It provides an overview of the proposal and encourages submissions before they close on 25 August 2022. You can contact the group by email on
- Model of the Proposed Paint Shop Planning Proposal
- When proposals are put on exhibition, scaled models are provided to Council so people can see how the proposal works in relation to surround areas. Here you can see how the proposal relates to the site's heritage items and to the surrounding conservation areas.
- Photos of Model for Paint Ship Precinct
- This PDF contains a number of photos from different angles of the Paint Shop Precinct proposal that give an indication of how it will interact with surrounding heritage items and the Darlington Conservation area.
- City of Sydney Paint Shop Precinct Submission
- This is a copy of the Council submission on the Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct rezoning that was made on 25 August 2022. The proposal provides an alternative approach to planning the site and picks up many of the issues of concern raised by the community.
- REDWatch Submission on Paint Shop Precinct
- This is a copy of the REDWatch submission on the Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct rezoning proposal. REDWatch supports a diverse community with diverse interests and views. REDWatch welcomes the level of community engagement with this proposal and the submissions that will result. REDWatch has identified a range of significant issues with the current proposal and has recommended that this rezoning proposal be rejected and that TfNSW / TAHE review the submissions and undertake further discussions with Council and the community over the master plan before re-exhibiting a new set of rezoning controls.
- Michael Mobbs Submission on Paint Shop Precinct dealing with climate issues
- Is climate pollution from the NSW government’s proposed development on 10 hectares of public land near Sydney’s CBD creating an ‘urban coal mine”? On 5 April 2022, United Nations scientists told us we have 30 months left to stop polluting Earth if we’re to prevent or reduce the collapsing climate. From this August, we have 27 months left. Earth won’t wait for anyone. To honour Earth, respond to the U.N. timetable and for my own self-respect I’ve made a submission about the draft plan
- Shelter NSW submission on Paint Shop Proposal
- This is the submission from Shelter NSW on the North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning proposal. The submission proposes that there should be more social and affordable housing in the redevelopment and opposes the sell off of public lands.
- North Eveleigh Open Space strategy
- North Eveleigh Open Space strategy Planning Report p40 from Bates Smart and Turf
- Solar Access to public space (Solar Heat Map)
- Solar Access to public space (Solar Heat Map)from Urban Design Framework p141.
- Street Typologies for Paint Shop Precinct
- This is the Street Typologies map from the Paint Shop precinct Planning Report Page 41
- Summary of Urban Design Urban Considerations
- Summary of Urban Design Urban Considerations from the Paint Shop precinct Urban Design Report Page 135.
- Public Open Space needs interogation at North Eveleigh
- In this post REDWatch interrogates the Paint Shop proposal for public open space using some of the graphics from the proposal and raise some issues to consider in commenting on the public open space aspect of the proposal.
- Public Domain Typologies
- Public Domain Typologies from Planning Report P77
- Redfern North Eveleigh - State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study Requirements
- Rezoning in Redfern North Eveleigh will be done as a State Significant Precinct and on 21 December 2020 the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) issued the details of what Transport for NSW (TfNSW) must cover in its precinct studies for that rezoning. Study requirements have been prepared in consultation with state agencies and the City of Sydney council to guide (TfNSW) investigations into proposed new planning controls within the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct.
- Fig 13a Amended TfNSW Proposal Paint Shop Precinct North Eveleigh - Artist Impression
- This is an artist impression of the amended proposal permitted by the the Paint Shop Precinct rezoning determined on 24 February 2023. Please note the final designs of the buildings will be determined at Development Application stage.
- Fig 13b Amended TfNSW Proposal Paint Shop Precinct North Eveleigh - master plan layout
- This is the amended proposal permitted by the the Paint Shop Precinct in mater plan format for the rezoning determined on 24 February 2023.
- Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning Determination
- The Paint Shop Precinct Planning Controls have been finalised and posted late on Friday 24 February on both the Department of Planning and Environment’s Paint Shop Exhibition page and on the legislation website.
- Diagrams from the Paint Shop Determination
- This is an extract of the figures that show the amended proposal from the DPE Determination report. In the absence of the amended planning control maps and the TfNSW Response to Submissions, these are the only graphics that show some aspects of the amended proposal. PDF
- TfNSW Newsletter March 2023 on Paint Shop Rezoning
- Community newsletter: Approval of the Paint Shop Sub-Precinct Rezoning Proposal (PDF, 1.4 MB). This newsletter was not letterboxed due to the determination falling within the period that TfNSW was unable to spend money on advertising. It appeared on the TfNSW website prior to caretaker mode provisions coming into effect.
- TfNSW March 2023 - What we’ve heard & Where we’re heading Vision document
- Paint Shop Sub-Precinct: Rezoning Proposal Approval - What we’ve heard & Where we’re heading (PDF, 989.13 KB). This updated vision document appeared on the TfNSW website prior to caretaker mode provisions coming into effect.
- DPE Media release on North Eveleigh announcements - 7 May 2023
- This media release was issued by Robert Stokes and Anthony Roberts on 7 March 2023 regarding the rezoning of the North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct and the shortlisting of developers for the North Eveleigh Clothing Store precinct.
- Artist impression of amended proposal for North Eveleigh Paint Shop Extension
- Artist Impression modified proposal for the Paint Shop
- Artist Impression modified proposal - View from Redfern
- Lord Mayor Paint Shop Precinct Announcement letter to residents.
- Clover Moore has written to local residents on 14 March 2023, to make them aware of the rezoning outcome for the North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct. With the decision just before caretaker period the government will not be leafleting residents to let them know the outcome. Council has stepped into the void to make sure residents know what has been decided. The text of Clover's letter is below: