RWA BEP 1 Traffic Study
Preliminary Traffic & Transport BEP1 OCR.pdf — PDF document, 3901 kB (3995262 bytes)
RWA BEP 1 Traffic Study
This is a copy of the September 2006 "Preliminary Traffic and Transport Strategy for Draft Built Environment Plan (Stage 1)". In meeting with Parsons Brinckerhoff and the RWA to clarify traffic issues in the "Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment North Eveleigh Development" residents were advised that many of the issues raised had been dealt with in the BEP 1. The RWA subsequently made available a printed copy of the report which we have scanned and added an OCR overlay. A text PDF version of the report has been requested and if made available we will replace the scanned file with the original PDF. As this is an OCR version any text extracted from the report must be checked for errors against the underlying scanned copy before use. The BEP report contains figures for some of the key intersections and queue lengths which have not been included in the final report. Please note however that these are only indicative as the final report is based on later projections. REDWatch has requested that the traffic intersection movements for all intersections as well as the queue lengths from the new study be made available with the RWA promised Q&As not yet released. (File is OCR on Scan PDF 3.9 MB)
Preliminary Traffic & Transport BEP1 OCR.pdf — PDF document, 3901 kB (3995262 bytes) |