RWA North Eveleigh Concept Plan Proposed Changes September 2008
Comparative Overview (Page 3)
The following provides a summary of key amendments made to the Concept Plan from that which was originally submitted and publicly exhibited from 1 May to 12 June 2008:
- Deletion of the far western building fronting Wilson Street identified as A1, to accommodate the realignment and widening of the vehicle access and a small park.
- Deletion of far western building, identified as B1 and provision of a larger park in its place.
- Relocation of the building adjacent to the Fan of Tracks, identified as J1 and change in its use from commercial to residential.
- Alteration of building heights to accommodate redistributed floor space from the removal of building B1 and provision of larger parks.
- Provision of larger contiguous parks, which can provide deep soil planting and a range of landscaping and equipment including playgrounds.
- Reduction in the maximum allowable off-street car parking from 1943 spaces to 1800 spaces.
- Realignment and widening of the western access to reduce potential conflicts at the intersection of Wilson and Queen Street.
- Revised Statement of Commitments as outlined in Section
Executive Summary
On 24 April 2008 the Redfern-Waterloo Authority submitted a Concept Plan and Environmental Assessment Report for the redevelopment of North Eveleigh to the Department of Planning.
The North Eveleigh Concept Plan and Environmental Assessment Report were placed on public exhibition by the Department of Planning from 4 April until 12 June 2008. An extensive consultation process was undertaken by the Authority during as well as after the exhibition.
This included 10 community information sessions, meetings with agencies and a site inspection with community representatives and the Minister for Planning on the 20 August. 161 public submissions and 10 Agency submissions were received. A further late submission was received on 3 September after the site inspection with the Minister.
The RWA has considered the issues which were raised in submissions from Agencies and the Public and has amended the Concept Plan in response.
This Report has been prepared by the RWA for submission to the Director General of Planning. The Report seeks the Minister for Planning’s approval for the amended North Eveleigh Concept Plan and includes the following information:
- Responses to Key Issues raised in public and agency submissions
- A Preferred Project Report which outlines the amended Concept Plan for which approval is sought
- A Revised Statement of Commitments.
Key aspects of the amended Concept Plan and Statement of Commitments include:
Improved Site Layout: The site layout and design framework has been improved by creating more contiguous open space throughout the site and on Wilson Street. The removal of buildings at the western precinct enables the creation of a significant park providing a generous setback to Ivery’s lane and adjacent properties while the provision of pocket parks along Wilson Street provide an improved aesthetic quality to the development, integrates the site with the surrounding neighbourhood and increases its permeability. The removal of the proposed 5 storey commercial building at the eastern end of the site and east-west orientation of a new residential building along the railway lines allows a greater appreciation of the Fan of Tracks and delivers a clearly delineated park with maximum capacity for heritage interpretation. The overall floor space has been reduced by 2,400m2.
New Parks: The Statement of Commitments has been amended to require the proponent to provide the following five parks, totalling approximately 9,400m2 including:
- A park at the western end of the site, adjacent to Iverys Lane, with an approximate area of 3,350m2.
- A park in the location of the Fan of Tracks with an approximate area of 2,635m2.
- A park at the eastern end of the site, adjacent to Little Eveleigh St, with an approximate area of 2,690m2.
- A park on Wilson St at the western end of the Blacksmiths’ Shop with an approximate area of 445m2
- A park on Wilson St opposite Forbes St with an approximate area of 280m2.
In addition the Statement of Commitments has been strengthened in relation to the provision for deep soil planting, play equipment, water sensitive urban design and crime prevention strategies as recommended by the NSW Police, as well as other landscaping treatment which recognises the sites heritage values and responds to community submissions.
Strengthening Heritage: The Concept Plan has been amended to provide for the mixed use of the Chief Mechanical Engineers Building, thus allowing for commercial development consistent with its historical use. In addition to the existing requirements for heritage protection, the Statement of Commitments has been amended to require proponents to develop Interpretation Strategies in accordance with the Interpretation Strategy Guidelines specifically developed for the site. This will ensure an integrated heritage interpretation which best reflects the site’s history.
Increased Provision for Childcare: The amended Statement of Commitments increases the provision for childcare facilities from one 45 place centre to the equivalent number necessary for the proposed residential and working population to meet the requirements of the City of Sydney Child Care DCP 2005.
Reduced Car Parking: The maximum number of car parking spaces on site has been reduced in the Amended Concept Plan from 1943 spaces to 1800 spaces. Proponents will now be required to provide for car share schemes as well meet the standards for bicycle parking outlined in the South Sydney Development Control Plan.
Safer Access: The configuration of the western vehicular access to the site has been changed and directional signage introduced to reduce potential conflicts from vehicles exiting the site at the intersection of Queen and Wilson Street. The Report provides a review of options for the western access developed in response to submissions.
Sustainability Targets: Sustainability Targets for commercial development have been introduced. Proponents will be required to achieve best practice equivalent to 4 Star Green Star for Commercial Buildings and 4.5 Star NABERS Office Energy.
Traffic and Transport: A Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) will be required to be undertaken for the development with emphasis on increasing public transport patronage. The Proposal also reiterates the RWA’s commitment to providing the cycle/pedestrian bridge linking North Eveleigh to the ATP. RWA’s traffic consultants have responded in detail to the independent traffic assessment commissioned by the Department of Planning.
Redistribution of Heights: It has been necessary to redistribute heights to achieve the overall design improvements and in particular, better integrated open space. Where heights have been increased it is demonstrated that there will be no amenity impacts. All variations to heights are addressed in the Report.
Affordable Housing: The amended Concept Plan proposes a target of 12% of the new dwellings in North Eveleigh for affordable housing. This will be managed by a registered community housing organisation or government agency and will be funded by the RWA’s affordable housing developer levies.
Summary of Height Changes from p22-23 of Preferred Project report
Building D4: The Concept Plan proposed a split height of 5 and 6 storeys for this building. It is now proposed that the 5 storey element be increased to 6 storeys making the whole building a 6 storey building. The variation is sought as the amended Concept Plan eliminates Building B1 and A1 creating public open space in their place.
Buildings G1 and G2: As outlined in Section 5 of the previously submitted Concept Plan the maximum permitted height for these buildings is 4 storeys. The amended Concept Plan increases the height of these buildings from 5 storeys to 6 storeys.
Building J1: In the previously submitted Concept Plan a small portion of Building J1 which was 5 storeys in height protruded into the 4 storey maximum height zone. The amended Concept Plan proposes that this building be reoriented east-west along the railway line, framing the park proposed on the Fan of Tracks. The proposed height of 8 storeys complies with the permissible height limit of 10 storeys applying to this part of the site. (change in its use from commercial to residential – p 3)
The new documents can be downloaded from the DoP website : View project documents
The Heritage Interpretation Strategy (2 pages) can also be found on the REDWatch website at: RWA’s North Eveleigh Site Heritage Interpretation Strategy
REDWatch would appreciate any comments or observations people have about the revised Concept Plan proposal – these can be emailed to