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RailCorp Tender Map for Demolition of Boilermakers Shop, Carriage Shop Extension and Stores Buildings at North Eveleigh

On 6 April 2009 Railcorp advertised for tenders for the "Demolition of Carriage Shop Extension and Stores Buildings (1-4) Including removal of Hazardous Materials at Eveleigh Rail Yards RFT ID 09/08027". On their tenders page it is advised that " RailCorp requires an experienced demolition Contractor for the Hazardous Materials removal and Demolition of Carriage Shop Extension and Stores Buildings (1-4) at North Eveleigh Rail Yards. Work involves the demolition and removal of the former Carriage Shop and Stores Buildings (1-4) to slab level and removal of all hazardous materials from the Site (including asbestos containing materials)." This map shows the work proposed by RailCorp. The RWA has advised that a DA will be put on exhibition to obtain approval for the works proposed by the tender. File is MS Word 943kb.

Figure 1 - Site Location.doc — Microsoft Word Document, 943 kB (966144 bytes)