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Railway Uses at North Eveleigh

Some of North Eveleigh is being retained by RailCorp for the City Relief Line which also impacts on private property to the west of the North Eveleigh site. Here you can find material about proposed rail uses on North Eveleigh and the City Relief line. You will also find information about the Save Leamington Avenue Campaign from June 2010. Items have been added with most recent at the bottom.
Save Leamington Avenue Web Site
The Save Leamington Avenue Group established their own website on 26 July 2010. You can find out the latest about the group and the campaign to Save Leamington Avenue from As the decisions Transport NSW will make about the "Relief Line" will impact on Redfern, Eveleigh and Darlington we will still update this section of the website with information relevant to our area.
Metropolitan Rail Expansion Program 2005 Showing Leamington Ave Impact
Map 3 of the "Metropolitan Rail Expansion Program: Metro Pitt and Metro West indicative protection corridors in October 2005" shows where future rail infrastructure may be placed in relation to Redfern Waterloo. A SEPP was introduced in February 2006 to preserve two possible future underground routes within the City of Sydney from being effected by possible future development over the proposed routes. PDF 408Kb.
Plans for Tunnel Options in North Eveleigh Concept Plan
The RWA's North Eveleigh Concept Plan needed to ensure that no development on North Eveleigh impacted on the proposed dive and underground corridor planned for a new city line. This is the corridor being proposed to be used by the 2010 announced City Relief line. Appendix R to the original North Eveleigh Concept Plan included plans for the "North Eveleigh Dive and Tunnel Alignment Concept Design Corridor Protection" prepared by Connell Wagner in October 2007 for RailCorp and the RWA for two tunnel options. The link to these can be found below.
Transport Plan Implementation Brought Forward - 11 March 2010
This week, the State Government issued critical infrastructure declarations to start implementation of some of the projects in the $50.2 billion Metropolitan Transport Plan reports this media release from NSW Premier Kristina Keneally on 11 March 2010.
Pines Estate Heritage Conservation Area Listing
This is the listing on the Heritage Branch website showing the details of the Pines Estate Heritage Conservation Area which covers Leamington Ave Newtown.
Christie Report Comments on "City Releif Rail Stub"
The Independent Public Inquiry Long-Term Public Transport Plan for Sydney Final Report pages 205-206 of 26 May 2010 made comments on the NSW Governments proposed Western Express & City Releif line. This extract is below - the full report can be found at
Leamington Avenue Resumption Warning Leaflet - June 2010
The unsigned leaflet below was distributed to residents in Leamington Avenue in early June 2010. It warned residents of State Government Plans which may lead to the resumption of land in Leamington Avenue at MacDonaldtown adjoining North Eveleigh. The text of the leaflet is below as is a copy of the map from a study in 2002 for RailCorp showing impacted properties. On June 4 Andrew West in the SMH ran a story "Rail tunnel plan threatens historic homes" on the issue.
Rail tunnel plan threatens historic homes
JUST two months after the NSW government spared the heritage suburbs of Pyrmont and Rozelle by dumping the CBD Metro, another historic precinct is under threat from another controversial transport plan reports Andrew West in the Sydney Morning Herald of 4 June 2010.
Transport NSW Web Statement on Western Express/City Relief Line
The following statement has recently appeared on the Transport NSW Website concerning planning for the Western Express/City Relief line. The text below was taken from the page posted on 17 June 2010.
“The Castle” rerun? - Local Homes Threatened by Rail Relief Line
Residents in Leamington Avenue near Macdonaldtown station were reeling after a recent leaflet came through their letterboxes headed “Your House may be Resumed, Help Stop It!” It was the first anyone knew that the houses they were buying, selling and renovating may soon be resumed writes Geoff Turnbull from REDWatch.
Transport NSW - Community update June 2010 Western Express Rail Project
The following "Community Update" leaflet was distributed by Transport NSW on June 22, 2010 around Leamington Avenue to advise people about the Western Express Rail Project which potentially impacts on houses in the Pine's estate.
Proposed railway brings home threat to Newtown residents
Residents of heritage-listed Leamington Ave in Newtown are reeling after an anonymous leaflet was dropped into their letter boxes declaring “Your house may be resumed, help stop it!” reports Aimee Scott in the Central of 30 June 1010.
Save Leamington Avenue Meeting - 5 July 2010
Residents of Leamington Ave have arranged a meeting at Darlington Public School from 5.15pm to 7.15 pm for local residents and supporters to inform people about the Transport NSW Plans and to discuss community action. The text of their leaflet can be found below:
No compensation for businesses derailed by metro
Small businesses which claim to have been crippled financially by the aborted CBD Metro have had their claims for compensation rejected, despite the state government confirming it had paid $93 million in compensation to construction firms which tendered for the project reports Josephine Tovey and Aaron Cook in the Sydney Morning Herald of 1 July 2010.
Save Leamington Ave Booklet - 5 July 2010
This is the booklet produced by residents and supporters of Leamington Avenue for the community meeting on 5th July 2010. The booklet provides details of what is known about the possible impact of the City Relief line on Leamington Ave as of the community meeting. File is PDF 1MB.
North Eveleigh & Leamington Ave Exclusion Zone
This map was produced by residants to show how the zone preserved for North Eveleigh meshes with the map showing the possibile impact of the corridor on Leamington Ave. The map was produced for the public meeting on 5 July 2010. File is 1.2 MB.
Save Leamington Avenue Petition - July 2010
Download this petition to help the Save Leamington Avenue Campaign.
Transport NSW Presentation - 5 July 2010 at Save Leamington Ave Meeting
This is the a PDF of the Power Point presentation made by Transport NSW on 5 July 2010 about the rationale for the Western Express Rail Project which is threatening houses in Leamington Ave Newtown. PDF 592KB.
Draft Letter for Save Leamington Avenue Campaign
The text below has been provided for those looking for information to write to politicians to help Save Leamington Avenue. You can copy relevant text from this web page, add your own comments and send your letter or email to the addresses at the foot of this page.
Save Leamington Avenue Community Group Aims
The public meeting on 5 July 2010 voted to establish a community group called "Friends of The Pines Estate Conservation Area (Known as 'Save Leamington Avenue'". The Meeting agreed to incorporate and adopted the aims below.
Compulsory Acquisition Process
This document on Compulsory Acquisition was prepared by the Environmental Defenders Office Ltd and handed out at the Save Leamington Avenue meeting on 5 July 2010. PDF 212KB.
Transport NSW Community Update July 2010 - Western Express Rail Programme
Following is the text of the Transport NSW Community Update of July 2010 distributed at the Save Leamington Avenue Meeting in early July 2010.
Houses on the line – The Castle rerun?
MACDONALDTOWN : Residents in Leamington Avenue near Macdonaldtown Station were reeling after a leaflet came through their letterboxes headed: “Your House may be Resumed, Help Stop It!” It was the first anyone knew that the houses they were buying, selling and renovating may soon be resumed. Leamington Ave and surrounding streets are part of the Pines Estate Heritage Conservation Area which is listed on the Heritage Register reports Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of July 2010.
Leamington Ave locals left hanging
Newtown residents living in fear of losing their homes did not get the reassurance they were hoping for at Monday night’s meeting with Deputy Premier Carmel Tebbutt and Transport NSW reports Aimee Scott in Central on 6 July 2010.
New Express Rail Services for Western Sydney - 21 February 2010
Premier Kristina Keneally today (21 February 2010) announced the $4.53 billion Western Express CityRail Service – a dedicated rail track to slash travelling times from western Sydney to the CBD reports this Media Release from Premier Keneally.
Leave Leamington Alone: Hands off our Homes say Newtown locals
Leamington Ave, Newtown, residents won’t give up their heritage homes to RailCorp without a fight reports Aimee Scott in Central on 13 July 2010.
Learning from our mistakes
Has the NSW Government learnt anything from the Metro debacle? If you ask residents in Leamington Avenue, Pine and Holdsworth streets at Newtown in Sydney's inner west, their answer would be "no" reports Kylie Simmonds on ABC News on 16 July 2010.
TV News Coverage of Leamington Ave
Below are links if available to TV News Stories about the Save Leamington Avenue Campaign,
Vic: Premier, minister refuse to say sorry for rail-link bungle
[Residents in Leamington Ave are hoping they do not have to experience what these people in Footscray (Melbourne) are experiencing in a similar situation - REDWatch]. This article by Paul Austin & Richard Willingham is from the Age of 13 July 2010.
Tunnel proposal brings digs to a halt
Residents near Eveleigh rail yards face an anxious wait, writes Kelsey Munro in the Sydney Morning Herald of 22 July 2010.
Last stand for Newtown's 'three proud people'
It is a tribute to one of the 20th century's most renowned protests: a mural facing the railway tracks in Newtown showing two black medallists giving a defiant raised-fist salute at the 1968 Olympics, and the Australian athlete Peter Norman who stood proudly beside them. A fight is now on to save the mural as the state government considers demolishing the house it is painted on, and its neighbours, to build a rail tunnel reports Josephine Tovey in the Sydney Morning Herald of 27 July 2010.
CBD Metro compensation mess
Chifley Arcade shop owners are trapped in failing businesses while their rejected CBD Metro compensation claims are reviewed by Justice Paul Stein QC reports Aimee Scott ion Central of 27 July 2010 [Leamington Ave residents are watching such experiences closely with their own potential claims].
Leamington Avenue Saved
The residents of Leamington Avenue, Holdsworth and Pines Streets, Newtown, are extremely relieved the State Government has announced on 29 August 2010 that it will not be compulsorily acquiring their heritage homes to make way for the City Relief Line reports this media release from Save Leamington Avenue Inc on 29 August 2010.
TNSW Community Update August 2010
Transport NSW advises that, following extensive analysis, no properties in Leamington Avenue and its vicinity will be needed for construction of the City Relief Line, which is part of the Government’s Western Express Program reports this Community Update in August 2010 from Transport NSW.
Western Express - Leamington Ave Properties
The NSW Government today confirmed no acquisition of Leamington Avenue properties will be required as part of the Western Express project. Minister for Transport John Robertson said the Government had moved swiftly to provide certainty for local residents reports this media release from Minister for Transport John Robertson MLC on 29 August 2010.
Tunnel vision now affects arts precinct
A DAY after the state government announced it would preserve a heritage neighbourhood in Newtown by moving a planned rail tunnel, a community group has raised fears about the future of a popular arts precinct writes Andrew West in the Sydney Morning Herald of 31 August 2010.
North Eveleigh Site and City Relief Line
The announcement by Transport NSW (TNSW) on 29 August 2010 that they will not require private property in and around Leamington Avenue is a welcome relief but the statement does not clarify the situation for the adjoining North Eveleigh site writes Geoff Turnbull from REDWatch on 31 August 2010.
RailCorp Letter Re Moving Substations and Ivery's Lane Retaining Wall
On 9 May 2011 Railcorp wrote to residents backing on to Ivery's Lane regarding their plan to move substations on North Eveleigh in line with the North Eveleigh Concept Plan and to renew the retaining wall along Ivery's Lane. This is a copy of letter sent to some owners along Ivery's Lane asking for their comment. RailCorp is both the proponent and the consent authority for this proposal.
RailCorp to Work on North Eveleigh Sub Stations and Ivery's Lane Retaining Wall
On 9 May 2011 RailCorp wrote to occupiers of Holdsworth Street regarding the Railcorp “North Eveleigh Substation Relocation Project”. As part of this project RailCorp plan to replace the retaining wall on the Eastern Side of Iverys lane which will involve the removal of all existing vegetation. The potential loss of this vegetation and the bird habitat associated with it is of concern to some residents as I would expect is the possible loss of some insulation from the planned redevelopment which looks like it will proceed in some form.
Save Leamington Avenue Submission on Land Acquition and Transport
Save Leamington Avenue (SLA) made a submission on the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan Discussion Paper to Transport for NSW. The submission covers key areas of public interest that arose from SLA's experience with the City Relief Line that threatened to see their houses compulsory acquired at some point in the future. The submission raises a number of important issues that Government needs to address in planning for future Transport infrastructure that may impact on landowners surrounding the infrastructure. Submission to Transport for NSW April 2012
Leamington saved
Save Leamingt on Ave Inc (SLA) has been seeking assurances that their homes are safe since a leaflet arrived in their letterboxes showing resumption in June 2010. After two years they have received a letter from Transport for NSW (TNSW) Director General assuring them that “properties in that area are not required for transport projects, either now or in the foreseeable future” writes Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of July 2012.