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FOE photos on Storage of Heritage Items

These are some photos from Friends of Eveleigh (FOE) showing "Three of the Heritage Carriages removed and now stored at Thirlmere (20th January 2007) out in the open and exposed to the elements". The Photos are accompanied by the following text "This is where The Premier, The Minister for Transport and RailCorp and its Office of Rail Heritage have said that our heritage rail carriages must go. They were warned about the lack of undercover and secure storage and they have all failed to act. Do they really care? And security! On Thursday 19th January the fence was breached and the Southern Aurora set was graffitied. On Sunday 21st January early arrivers saw children climbing all over locomotive 3801 in an area that should have been under OH&S security". The graphic also includes a photo inside the Large with the following comment "This is where The Premier, The Minister for Transport and RailCorp and its Office of Rail Heritage have said that our heritage rail carriages must not be kept - in a secure undercover heritage railway building enclosed with a razor topped fence and security overload. Yes, the Large Erecting Shed at Eveleigh. Again. do these people really care, or are there alternate motives?
FOE photos on Storage of Heritage Items
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