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Community Groups letter to Minister over revised Concept Plan - 20 April 2008

The Coalition Chippendale Community Groups has written to Minister Sartor expressing their concerns about the increase in floor space Frasers have anounced for their revised concept Plan for the former Broadway CUB site. Below is a copy of the letter sent by the Chippendale Groups.

The Minister for Planning
The Hon. Frank E. Sartor MP
Level 34 Governor Macquarie Tower,
1 Farrer Place,
SYDNEY NSW 2000                           (via Email)

Dear Minister


We write to you seeking your urgent intervention.

As you are aware, Frasers intend shortly to lodge an amended Concept Plan for the CUB site.   From the information we have been provided, we understand that the gross floor space will increase to approx 250,000 sqm and the working/residential population from 8,400 to approx 13,000 people.

Whilst we commend Frasers’ “green and design” initiatives, the amended plan’s proposed increase in massing and scale is contrary to the findings from the Design Competition, independent expert opinion and the previous community consultation process.

We understand that the previously appointed Expert Design Panel will again provide advice to the Minister in terms of the amended Concept Plan, prior to the Departments approval process, for public exhibition.

Whilst representatives from the community were briefed about the amended Concept Plan, key concerns were raised – namely the overall density, which has been increased resulting in a bulk and scale at particular sections of the site which are inappropriate and will leave Sydney with a poor planning legacy.

We note that is particularly important to build on some of the initiatives that Frasers have put forward, however this must be done in a sensitive manner to reduce the bulk, scale and density on site, from what Frasers is proposing to take on board expert advice and community feedback. 

We appreciate Fraser’s financial considerations, the cost of the RWA levy and green initiatives; however ask that further consultation be urgently initiated whereby community consultation is taken on board, prior to the amended plans being approved by the DoP for public exhibition.   We believe this to be particularly important, given the larger community was not aware that the Concept Plan would not be amended to incorporate the extent of the changes proposed.  

We await your urgent advices.

Yours sincerely

Lindsay Charles
FoCUS, Friends of Carlton United site

David Pocklington
Chippendale Residents Interest Group

Jeanette Brokman
East Chippendale Community Group

cc:          The Lord Mayor and Councillors, City of Sydney

[REDWatch Note: For more information on CCCG view of the Revised Concept Plan see:
CCCG Response: “Green and Mega Big” - Former CUB site - Amended Plans]