4.4 Eveleigh Street - Draft
The Eveleigh Street site is bounded by Cleveland Street to the north, Lawson Street to the south, the railway corridor to the east, and Abercrombie Street and Eveleigh Street to the west.
Existing characteristics
The character of the site is diverse with a mix of residential and older industrial buildings, reflecting the multiple land ownership within the site. The total area of the site is approximately 3 hectares.
The site accommodates the Block, the area defined by Eveleigh Street, Caroline Street, Vine Street and Louis Street. The Block is owned by the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) and is an important and symbolic place for Aboriginal people. The Block reinforces the wider significance of Redfern as meeting place - “it provides an opportunity to reunite with family and friends from their hometowns or to simply be ‘with their mob” (AHC, 2001).
The Block was a centre for Aboriginal activism which led to the establishment of a number of Aboriginal controlled services, including the first medical and legal services. It is also significant as the first urban land rights claim in Australia, when in 1973 the Whitlam government provided a grant to allow the AHC to purchase and restore terrace houses on the Block. Since that time the majority of the AHC terrace houses have been demolished which has resulted in an informal park area within the centre of the Block. The remaining 19 terrace houses occupy the northern part of the Block and an apartment building fronts Caroline Street at the southern end.
The housing on the residential streets surrounding the Block is predominantly characterised by terrace houses. Residential flat buildings have been developed along parts of Cleveland Street.
Development between Cleveland and Vine Streets is characterised by larger scale industrial buildings. These buildings are occupied by various light industrial, warehousing and other non-residential uses. There are a number of shops within the site, particularly along Abercrombie Street.
A pocket park, Pemulwuy Park, and disused community building are located on the eastern side of Eveleigh Street adjacent to the railway. The Park is to be upgraded by City of Sydney council. The community building was formerly occupied by the Murawina Aboriginal Preschool, which relocated to the former Redfern Public School site in 2003.
The site benefits from its proximity to Redfern Railway Station, located directly to the south on Lawson Street.
Creating a vibrant, safe and cohesive community within this site requires increased housing opportunities, employment and business and support services.
Existing land use zone
The following zones apply to the Eveleigh Street site under the South Sydney Local Environmental Plan:
• ‘Mixed Use 10 Zone, generally applies to the northern side of Vine Street and extends to Cleveland Street.
• ‘Residential 2(b) Medium Density Zone’ generally applies between the Lawson Street and the southern side of Vine Street, including the Block.
• ‘Special Uses – Community Centre Preschool Zone’ and ‘Open Space Zone’ apply to properties between the eastern side of Eveleigh Street and the railway corridor.
Proposed land use concept
Encourage employment growth in the northern and southern portions of the site. Create a vibrant sustainable community, business and residential precinct, providing opportunities for Aboriginal enterprise; housing, including culturally appropriate housing; and community and cultural facilities.
Diagram 4.7 [511 KB] illustrates the proposed land use concept for the site.
Proposed design concept
Reinforce the significance of Redfern as a meeting place and centre for Aboriginal activism by:
• ensuring the establishment of a mix of community, cultural and recreation facilities for Aboriginal residents and the wider community
• allowing for the establishment of Aboriginal enterprise, business and training and support services on the Block.
Enhance employment uses and the mixed used character of the site, given its proximity to Redfern Railway Station by:
• ensuring appropriate business development are provided within the site
• encouraging employment activity
• providing for residential development.
Facilitate the development of quality housing for existing and new residents that:
• provides a range of housing types that responds to the social mix of the area
• provides culturally appropriate and sustainable housing for Aboriginal residents
• is designed and located to respond to external factors, including the railway corridor and Cleveland Street, to maximise amenity.
Respect the existing residential and industrial character and built form of the site and provide an appropriate interface to surrounding development by:
• ensuring development responds to the scale, form and design of surrounding development
• providing a three storey height limit along Louis Street, Caroline Street, the western side of Eveleigh Street and southern side of Vine Street in response to the scale of the adjacent terrace houses
Provide a safe, vibrant and cohesive community by:
• ensuring active uses adjoin and overlook existing and new open space to provide passive surveillance
• encourage active non–residential uses at street level and pedestrian paths to improve pedestrian safety and amenity
• ensuring landscaping, tree planting, lighting and good design of civic spaces, streets and pedestrian paths.
Ensure the provision of quality open space:
• within and around new development parcels for private and communal use
• for all new dwellings
• adjacent to active uses to enable surveillance and maximise the safety and security of spaces
• that has good solar access
• that is appropriately designed and landscaped with plantings, paving, lighting and benches and furniture.
The proposed heights and floor space ratio for the site are illustrated in Diagram 4.8 [524 KB].
Proposed land use zone
Business Zone - Mixed Use
Recreation Zone – Public Recreation